Agenda item


To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.


.Declarations of Interest:



Officers attending:

Anita Guy (AG), Principal Engineer, South East Area Team


Written questions:

As below




The tabled questions from local committee members and the responses are set out in the attached document.




Mr S Cooksey had submitted written questions and received responses in advance of the meeting and subsequently raised the following:


Q1. He believes it is the responsibility of the Local Committee to seriously discuss the traffic lights issue and would like a comprehensive survey to be carried out. He requested that a report come back to the December committee meeting on how this would be carried out.


Main points of discussion:


AG stressed that she would need to discuss with colleagues what type of survey would be best and ensure the right people get involved. She was concerned that this could not be done in time for the next meeting and suggested that March would be a more realistic deadline. The Chairman agreed with Mr Cooksey on the urgency of the issue and therefore bringing a report in December meeting would be ideal, but could not guarantee that it could be completed in time.


Mrs Clack said she had been contacted by some of her residents who would like to shop in Dorking but who are put off by the congestion and agreed that this must be affecting trade. She had become aware that the district council was launching an infrastructure needs assessment and suggested the two councils should come together to try and find a solution. She would be very keen to be involved in any review.






Main points of discussion:


Mr Cooksey was concerned that Surrey County Council did not already hold this information and again stressed that it was up to the Local Committee to address the congestion issue in Dorking and develop a project to tackle the problem.


It was suggested that parking on yellow lines was adding to the congestion and that enforcement carried out by district officers was not being effective. Mrs Clack proposed that there should be a summit of both councils to find a solution. The Chairman said he would raise this in his meeting with the Chief Executive of Mole Valley.




There were no supplementary questions from Mr Cooksey on Q3 or Q4.




Mrs H Watson had submitted written questions and received responses in advance of the meeting. She subsequently raised the following:







Mrs Watson asked if the relevant risk assessment information could be made available and AG confirmed she would contact the Safety Advisory Group to that end.




Main points of discussion


Mrs Watson expressed her concern firstly that the records of gullies in the district were not up to date in order for contractors to carry out cleaning work and secondly  that councillors were being asked to advise officers if they came across any that were not mapped.


The Chairman explained that Mole Valley in general had the ‘least well mapped’ gullies. Conways was going through the system and that work should be finished by late spring. He encouraged all members to advise officers of any gaps in the network that they become aware of and to use the online system for reporting blocked drains.





Mrs Clack had submitted a written question and received a response in advance of the meeting.


Main points of discussion


Mrs Clack stressed the frustration of Brockham residents over the last 2 years in dealing with this issue, which they feel could be addressed by the adoption of the surface water pipe at a site in Stroud Green from its current owners, Thames Water. The area is particularly at risk of flooding and it is believed this could potentially be reduced if the pipe in question were to be connected to the surface water system.


Whilst the seriousness of the situation was recognised, the difficulties around dealing with Thames Water and making connections with the right people in the organisation were also stressed. As a result the Chairman suggested that the Committee Officer organise a site meeting with an officer from the Surrey County Council legal team as well as appropriate representatives from Thames Water, the Chairman and divisional member.




Supporting documents: