The Medium Term Financial Plan 2015-20 (MTFP 2015-20) was approved by the Council on 10 February 2015 in the context of a number of uncertainties for the years following 2015/16. These included the outcome of the May 2015 General Election, the progress of services in making further savings in the current financial year and assumptions around the growth in demographic pressures.
In approving MTFP 2015-20, the Council agreed for Cabinet to review and refresh the five year financial plan. This paper sets out the revised assumptions in MTFP 2015-20 and the strategies to maintain a balanced and sustainable budget.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview Board]
1. That £1.9m per year funding for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service pooled budget, as set out in paragraph 29 of the submitted report, be approved.
2. That the increased demand and complexity of pressures faced by the Council in the next five years be noted.
3. That the revised and updated revenue budget assumptions for the years 2016 to 2020 be noted.
4. That the revised capital programme for 2015-20 be approved, including:
a. removal of three schemes totalling £7.0m, as detailed in paragraphs 42 to 44 of the submitted report.
b. addition of up to a total of £1m per year to match funding for district and borough councils for improving secondary local shopping areas, as detailed in paragraph 45 of the submitted report.
5. That officers be required to develop business cases for capital investment in SEND and Looked After Children provision, as set out in paragraphs 47 to 48 of the submitted report.
6. That officers be required to develop further, for approval by Cabinet in November 2015, service transformational strategies necessary for the Council to meet its financial challenges, as set out in paragraph 54 of the submitted report.
7. That officers be required to prepare a draft Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 to 2021 for the Cabinet Meeting in November 2015 as set out in paragraph 55 of the submitted report.
8. That the revised financial strategy to meet the challenges of the next five years as set out in paragraphs 56 to 59, and Appendix 4 of the submitted report be approved.
Reasons for Decisions:
To ensure the Council has a plan to develop a balanced and sustainable budget.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview Board]
The Leader introduced the report and explained that when the Council approved the Medium Term Financial Plan 2015-20 (MTFP 2015-20) in February 2015, it was in the context of several uncertainties such as: the General Election, services’ progress making savings, growth in demographic pressures, an early Budget by the new Government and the Spending Review scheduled for 2015.
He stated that it was prudent and right for Cabinet to reassess the council’s medium term financial plan at this point in time, when some of the uncertainties had been lifted. He said that while the Chancellor’s July 2015 Budget announced no reductions to the local government settlement for 2015/16, the funding for Public Health would be reduced by £200m nationally this year. He stated that the Spending Review was likely to increase pressure on public service funding, including local government in the years from 2016/17.
He drew Cabinet Members attention to the following points set out within the report:
· the increased demand and complexity of pressures the Council faced over the next five years and the revised and updated budget assumptions for the years 2016 to 2020.
· That officers needed to develop further service transformational strategies needed for the council to meet its financial challenges, for Cabinet’s approval in November as a draft MTFP.
· That approval was sought for important recommendations, including two match funding items with local partners:
o £1.9m revenue investment in a £3.8m pooled budget with the Surrey CCGs for targeted Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, which would reduce and avoid cost pressures on both health and social care in future years; and
o up to £1m additional capital investment each year to match funding by district and borough councils to improve secondary local shopping areas, which are important for improving residents’ experience and supporting small businesses which are the lifeblood of Surrey’s economy.
· That appendix 4 set out a revised Financial Strategy for approval that had been developed in the context and format of the Corporate Strategy.
The Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding expressed delight at the plans to work with District and Boroughs to undertake regeneration work and improve the street scene.
The Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement said that she was very pleased to endorse the investment in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and that it showed that the Council was taking its corporate parenting role seriously.
The Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience referred to the updated Financial Strategy and how simple and easy to understand that was.
1. That £1.9m per year funding for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service pooled budget, as set out in paragraph 29 of the submitted report, be approved.
2. That the increased demand and complexity of pressures faced by the Council in the next five years be noted.
3. That the revised and updated revenue budget assumptions for the years 2016 to 2020 be noted.
4. That the revised capital programme for 2015-20 be approved, including:
a. removal of three schemes totalling £7.0m, as detailed in paragraphs 42 to 44 of the submitted report.
b. addition of up to a total of £1m per year to match funding for district and borough councils for improving secondary local shopping areas, as detailed in paragraph 45 of the submitted report.
5. That officers be required to develop business cases for capital investment in SEND and Looked After Children provision, as set out in paragraphs 47 to 48 of the submitted report.
6. That officers be required to develop further, for approval by Cabinet in November 2015, service transformational strategies necessary for the Council to meet its financial challenges, as set out in paragraph 54 of the submitted report.
7. That officers be required to prepare a draft Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 to 2021 for the Cabinet Meeting in November 2015 as set out in paragraph 55 of the submitted report.
8. That the revised financial strategy to meet the challenges of the next five years as set out in paragraphs 56 to 59, and Appendix 4 of the submitted report be approved.
Reasons for Decisions:
To ensure the Council has a plan to develop a balanced and sustainable budget.
Supporting documents: