Agenda item


Purpose of the report: Scrutiny of Services


To review the summary of audit findings and Management Action Plan produced as a result of an internal audit review of the Children’s Safeguarding Quality Assurance (QA) Process.


Declarations of Interest:






Caroline Budden, Deputy Director of Children, Schools and Families

David John, Audit Performance Manager, Internal Audit

Linda Kemeny, Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement

Mary Angell, Cabinet Associate for Children and Families Wellbeing


Key points raised during the discussions:


1.    The Audit Performance Manager introduced the report, advising the Board that the most aspects of Children’s Services Quality Assurance (QA) process operated effectively but there were some challenges related to the allocation and ownership of actions. It was felt by the auditor that this could have quite significant implications arising from actions either being neglected or duplicated.


2.    The Board was further informed that the internal audit had uncovered issues with file retention and the preservation of evidence which had led to recommendations in respect of these as well. It was advised that a follow up piece of work would be conducted by the Internal Audit Team to ensure that the appropriate steps have been taken to address the problems identified in the report.


3.    The Deputy Director provided the Board with some context around the findings of the Internal Audit Report. It was highlighted that some of the issues identified were related to wider challenges facing Children’s Services, such as the recruitment and retention of staff which the Service was working to address. The QA process would be considered as part of the improvement plan which was being presented to the Department of Education (DfE).


4.    The Board expressed concern that the QA process should be robust in order to identify areas for improvement and act accordingly. The Deputy Director drew attention to the action plan published with the report which outlined the steps being taken by Children’s Services to improve its QA processes and which had been informed by the Ofsted inspection and the Internal Audit report.


5.    The Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement expressed concern that there was a general confusion amongst Members about who should receive Internal Audit reports and requested that they be sent directly to relevant Cabinet Members . Officers advised that Internal Audit reports were emailed to the relevant Cabinet Member and that of a list audit reports issued was circulated to all Members including a link to the repository of audit reports on the internal Council website. The reporting mechanisms to Scrutiny Boards was highlighted as an area of good practice.


6.    The Board expressed concern about the findings of the internal audit report, and discussed whether there were wider risks about how the Council sought to identify and address issues through audit and quality assurance processes.



Ken Gulati entered the meeting at 12.25 pm.




1.    The Board endorses the Management Action Plan and welcomes the work officers are undertaking to make the improvements required.


2.    It strongly supports the QA reporting arrangements to the Scrutiny Board as set out in the Internal Audit Management Action Plan.


3.    The Board recommends that the Chief Executive reviews with the Strategic Directors the audit and quality assurance reporting mechanisms across the Council, to ensure that issues are highlighted and addressed at the appropriate level.



Actions/ further information to be provided:




Board next steps:




Supporting documents: