Agenda item


The Strategic Director for Adult Social Care will update the Committee on important news and announcements.



Declarations of Interest:




Dave Sargeant, Strategic Director for Adult Social Care

Mel Few, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Board was informed by the Strategic Director that Adult Social Care (ASC) was awaiting clarification from Central Government in relation to the cap on care costs set to be introduced in April 2016. Indications were given that the introduction of this cap may be deferred beyond the second phase of the Care Act. Members of the Board were told that a briefing would be distributed to them once this clarification had been provided by Central Government.


2.    The Strategic Director advised Members that the signing of the Section 75 agreements for the Better Care Fund (BCF) between Surrey County Council (SCC) and Surrey’s six Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) had   been delayed   due to details on some of the legal elements of the contracts. Discussions were close to being finalised, however,  meaning that the Section 75 agreements would be signed in the near future.


3.    Attention was drawn to the Learning Disability Partnership which was doing some great work in supporting people with disabilities in Surrey. Members were invited to visit the Learning Disability Partnership in Leatherhead to see for themselves some of the good work done here.


4.    An update was provided on the introduction of new software for ASC following   approval by the Cabinet. Members were apprised that the software, provided by LiquidLogic, was being piloted through a model office set up in County Hall. The aim of the pilot scheme was to uncover any issues or challenges before the system is rolled out. The Strategic Director highlighted that the hope was to have the programme embedded across ASC by the end of the financial year.


5.    Information was provided on initiatives by ASC designed to encourage social capital across the county. In particular, the Board were informed of a workstream that was conducted by ASC which explored how companies can promote their corporate social responsibility through schemes such as time-banking.


6.    The Board expressed concern that the concept of the Family, Friends and Community Support initiative (FFC) wasn’t being advertised effectively to Surrey residents preventing more widespread involvement across the county. It was stipulated that more needed to be done to get this message out to communities. The Strategic Director agreed that the message getting out to residents did need some refinement as there appears to be some confusion around what type of support an individual involved with FFC might be expected to provide. The Strategic Director stressed that people would not be expected to provide intimate personal care.


7.    The role that Members could play in helping to embed FFC by forging greater connections between SCC officers and Surrey’s communities was highlighted by the Board as an under utilised resource. The Strategic Director agreed with this view and suggested that both heads of service and officers should meet with Members to find out more about assets in individual localities to support the FFC scheme. 


8.    The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence emphasised the importance of getting Area Directors involved in Surrey’s communities to encourage the proliferation of the FFC initiative as well as helping to facilitate closer integration between ASC and healthcare providers and commissioners.


9.    Further detail was requested on areas of overlap between the services provided by the ASC and those delivered by Children Schools and Families (CSF). The Board was advised that the 0-25 Transitions was the most significant area of overlap between the two services. The Board were informed that Ofsted would be conducting an inspection of the 0-25 pathway in 2017. The Strategic Director had been working closely with the Deputy Chief Executive in order to redesign this pathway and ensure that there was a seamless transition between services provided by CSF to those received from ASC.



The Board;


1.    Encourages Members to offer divisional visits to Adult Social Care Area Directors and contribute their knowledge to Surrey Information Point.


2.    Recommends that the 0-25 pathway being co-designed by Adult Social Care and Children, Schools and Families is scrutinised by this Board.


Actions/ further information to be provided:




Board next steps:

