Agenda item

SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSAL WO2015/0550: Land at Westfield Primary School, Bonsey Lane, Westfield, Woking, Surrey GU22 9PR

Installation of modular classroom block comprising three classrooms, and associated plant, circulation and WCs.


An update sheet was tabled as item 9.



Alan Stones, Planning Development Control Team Manager

Caroline Smith, Transport Development Planning Team Manager

Dawn Horton-Baker, Senior Planning Officer



The Local Member registered to speak and made the following points in reference to the application:

·         Noted that there were current traffic problems in the areas surrounding the school

·         Noted there are 200 properties on the road of the school and the report was critical of transport options

·         Requested a parking restriction condition, parents often block access to local residents



Key points raised during the discussion:

1.    The Senior Planning Officer introduced the report and informed the Committee the extension was a temporary measure but a permanent solution could be sought in the future.  Surrey Arts had recently left the room they were using at the school so another form of entry was able to be established.  Six letters of objection had been received mainly on highways implications, Members were told that a robust travel plan was in place and the surrounding highways could cope with the extra traffic.  The Transport Development Planning Team Manager informed the Committee that there would be an extra 90 pupils and 38 cars after the expansion, it was added that there was a provision for double yellow lines outside the school under condition 9.

2.    The Committee noted that there was adequate space for extra pupils within the school but Westfield Primary is located in a cul-de-sac causing traffic problems; officers responded that parking restrictions during pick up/drop off would be implemented to mitigate congestion around the school.

3.    The Committee agreed that condition 8 stating a travel plan is to be produced within 6 months of completion should be amended to require that details of an updated travel plan should be submitted to and approved by the County Planning Authority prior to the development being first occupied.

4.    There was a discussion around the permanency of the modular extension and officers noted that it would be possible to make the extension permanent.  Members responded that in this case a permanent building should be established instead of temporary, officers responded that future demand may decrease meaning the building is not needed.  Another planning application would be considered if there is a need to make the building permanent.





The Committee resolved that pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, that application WO2015/0550 be PERMITTED subject to the conditions for the reasons set out in the report and update sheet.


Condition 8 was amended to state the following:


·         The development hereby approved shall not be first occupied unless and until the School Travel Plan has been updated and submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The submitted details shall include details of measures to promote sustainable modes of transport and provisions for the maintenance, monitoring and review of the impact of the Plan and it's further development.  The approved Plan shall then be implemented upon first occupation of the development and shall thereafter be maintained, monitored, reviewed and developed to the satisfaction of the County Planning Authority


Action/further information to be provided:



Supporting documents: