Agenda item

MINERALS / WASTE - TA/2014/1884: North Park Quarry, North Park Lane, Godstone, Surrey, RH9 8ND.

This application is for the extraction of sand and progressive restoration to agriculture and woodland; and the continued temporary diversion of bridleways 142 and 148 (parts) and temporary stopping up of footpath 121 and 143 (part), without compliance with Condition 3 of planning permission TA00/326 dated 22 November 2000, to allow an extension in time for the working of sand until 2020, with the restoration of the site by 31 December 2022.


The recommendation is to PERMIT subject to conditions.



The Committee decided to take item 8 first as a speaker for item 7 had given notification that he would not be arriving until later in the morning.



Stephen Jenkins, Deputy Planning and Development Team Manager

Mark O’Hare, Senior Planning Officer

Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Lawyer

Caroline Smith, Transport Development Team Manager



The Local Member, Helena Windsor registered to speak and made the following points in reference to the application:

·         Noted that 12 standardised letters supporting the application had been received from staff at North Park Quarry

·         Stated an objection to the delay in restoring the green belt land

·         Expressed concern about cumulative dust from three sites in close proximity.

·         Informed the Committee that there had previously been reserves in place for four years, this had since increased to 11 years with no figures to support this.

·         Expressed a condition should be in place to undertake restoration as soon as possible, also expressed that the route for the horse society should be retained.


Key points raised during the discussion:

1.    The Deputy Planning and Development Team Manager introduced the report and informed the Committee that processing and access had been permitted in 2012 for the site.  Objections had been received from local Parishes and groups.  Standardised letters on company headed paper expressing support for the application had been received from employees at North Park Quarry.  These would not be acknowledged as individual representations.  He informed the Committee that a time extension was required to work the remaining reserves of silica sand, which had been assessed and identified as  being of different variations/types for different industrial uses.  The western area of the site would likely be ready to be restored in 2016.  It was noted that there was an effective dust management plan in place and that the County Air Quality Consultants were satisfied with the air quality mitigation in place and the extraction of sand was considered acceptable.  The rights of way network was still required to be diverted but would be restored as soon as possible, it was added that Surrey County Council (SCC) Rights of Way officers were satisfied with this.

2.    It was clarified that different areas of the site would be worked on at the same time until 2020 as each area held different grades of sand that need to be extracted until they ran out.

3.    The Committee questioned how much liaison with the local community had been undertaken.  Officers confirmed that a liaison group had been implemented with the community to monitor dust impacts and officers suggested widening the remit of the group to address restoration.  It was agreed to add this as an informative.

4.    The Committee was informed that the northern area of the site had already been restored back to agricultural use.

5.    It was noted that the site, along with Pendell quarry, was the only area of Surrey which contains silica sand, which meant benefits outweigh any harm due to the need for sand.  A Member added that the operation is critical to the economy.

6.    Officers commented that parts of the site will be restored as soon as they are able.  The Committee expressed that a condition should be added to ‘restore site when possible’.  It was suggested and agreed that Condition 2 be amended to ensure restoration as soon as possible.





The Committee agreed to PERMIT the application, ,subject to conditions, including an amended Condition 2 and subject to an additional informative, for the reasons set out in the report.


Condition 2

The restoration of minerals shall cease by 31 December 2020 and restoration of the site shall be completed by 31 December 2022, or earlier on cessation of extraction, strictly in accordance with the final restoration scheme and Drawing Nos R01/P27/007A dated 02.04.15.



The liaison group should consider extending its remit to cover issues such as restoration of the site.


Action/further information to be provided:




Supporting documents: