Agenda item


The Chairman will provide the Board with an update on recent meetings he has attended and other matters affecting the Board.


It is a pleasure to welcome back Cllr Rachel Turner from Reigate and Banstead Council to serve on the Board for a further 3 years.


Our New Title and Implications for our Work

The addition of ‘Wellbeing’ to our Board’s name gives the opportunity to spread our wings a bit and we will be proceeding as follows:


The Local Health and Wellbeing Boards are a forum where many organisations responsible for wellbeing meet.  We will be holding a private event with representatives from the 11 District and Boroughs early in 2016 to explore how best Members might become involved in these Health and Wellbeing Boards where they exist.


Transformation Programmes:  Our Surrey CCGs are implementing transformation of their health services in partnership with their suppliers using the Models of Care recommended in the NHS 5 Year Forward View.  We received an overview of these 5 Models at our Meeting of 21 May, where we also heard of Surrey Heath CCG’s intention to explore the Multi-speciality Community Providers (MCP) route.  Earlier we had a presentation on the Vanguard Integrated Primary Care and Acute Systems (PACS) programme that is being led by North East Hampshire and Farnham CCG.


We will be asking for involvement when these and other Transformation Programmes are well under way.  We have invited the Vanguard PACS programme team back to the Board next year.


Progress on the Better Care Fund
Pauline Searle and I attended the Meeting of the Social Care Services Board on 7 September where we received an update on progress of the Better Care Fund work.  Ross will be distributing the Agenda papers and Minutes of that Item to all Members of this Board.


Scrutiny of Mental Health

A number of partners have made a commitment under the Mental Health Crisis Concordats to work together to prevent mental health crises and to ensure that people get treatment no matter where they make contact.  These partners include: Surrey County Council; the Clinical Commissioning Groups; Surrey and Borders Partnership, Surrey Police and South East Coast Ambulance service.

Following a preparatory all Member Seminar on the subject, this Board will be joining with the Social Care Services Board and the Police and Crime Panel in joint scrutiny of mental health in Surrey.  Three joint sessions are planned in the remainder of 2015, 2 of which we will be hosting.

CCG Deficits
Several of our CCGs are in deficit or close to it.  This Board will need to understand how their financial recovery plans might impact on services for residents.  Ross and I will be following up on this issue.

It will be critical for the financial position of the CCGs that attendances at A&E and unplanned admissions are held in check this coming Winter.  We will hear more on this topic at Item 6 today.

Merger of Ashford and St Peter’s and Royal Surrey County Hospital
Bill Barker reports that the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has provisionally cleared the way for the Merger.  The CMA's Final Report will be published not later than 7 October 15.

Surrey Downs CCG Review of Community Hospital Services
Tim Hall and Lucy Botting have been deeply involved in this review.  We have Item 8 on the subject at this Meeting.

Epsom Hospital Site
Following Daniel Elkeles' presentation at our last Meeting, Members have been invited to visit the Epsom Hospital site. There are two open days:

·         Thursday 17 September, 7am to 9pm, at St Helier Hospital

·         Wednesday 23 September, 7am to 9pm, at Epsom Hospital

NHS England
Ross and I attended a meeting of the Health Scrutiny Committee Chairmen and Officers for the South East Region.  The most interesting points were:

Provision of over £1 billion of specialised services for the population of the South East.  Costs are rising at 8% mainly due to introduction of high technology treatments.

Forecast supply of medical professionals.  It appears that across England there will be a continuing shortage in the supply of Doctors, but Surrey is likely to fare better than the England average.  On the other hand there is likely to be an over-supply of Pharmacists and the intention is to expand the role of that profession into some work that currently falls to GPs.