To receive the report of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 15 December 2015 and 2 February 2016 and to agree two recommendations in respect of:
(i) Confident in Surrey’s Future: Corporate Strategy 2016 - 2021
(ii) Admission Arrangements for Surrey’s for Surrey’s Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools and Co-ordinated Schemes for all schools for September 2017.
The Leader presented the reports of the Cabinet meetings held on 15 December 2015 and 2 February 2016.
Recommendations on Policy Framework Documents
A Confident in Surrey’s Future, Corporate Strategy 2016 – 2021
The Leader of the Council said that the Corporate Strategy set out the Council’s overarching priorities for 2016/21.
Members made the following points:
· That the Corporate Strategy set out a good set of strategic goals and aims in a single page document but it was questioned whether the Council was confident in Surrey’s future because this may depend on the transformation programme and the Cabinet’s decisions.
· That the document set out the key aims at a high level. The Leader confirmed that Scrutiny Boards would be receiving detailed service budgets which they would have the opportunity to scrutinise.
That Confident in Surrey’s Future, the Corporate Strategy 2016 - 2021, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be agreed.
B Admissions Arrangements for Surrey’s Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools and Co-ordinated Schemes that will apply to all schools for September 2017
The Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement presented the report and responded to questions. She confirmed that distances to schools were always carefully considered when allocating school places. She also said that she fully supported recommendation 5: That the start date to the primary admissions round is changed from 1 September to the first day after the Autumn half term (31 October 2016 for 2017 Admissions) and gave assurance that this change would be widely publicised.
That the following Admissions Arrangements for September 2017 for Surrey’s Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools and Co-ordinated Schemes for all schools be approved:
Recommendation 1
That admission criteria are introduced for Year 3 entry to Beacon Hill Primary School for September 2017 as follows:
a. Looked after and previously looked after children
b. Exceptional social/medical need
c. Siblings
d. Children for whom the school is the nearest to their home address
e. Any other children
Recommendation 2
That a new criterion for Chennestone Primary School is introduced for Year 3 in September 2017, to provide priority for children attending Beauclerc Infant School as follows:
a. Looked after and previously looked after children
b. Exceptional social/medical need
c. Siblings
d. Children attending Beauclerc Infant School
e. Children for whom the school is the nearest to their home address
f. Any other children
Recommendation 3
That admission criteria are introduced for Year 3 entry to Cranleigh CofE Primary School for September 2017 as follows:
a. Looked after and previously looked after children
b. Exceptional social/medical need
c. Siblings
d. Children for whom the school is the nearest to their home address
e. Any other children
Recommendation 4
That the Published Admission Number for West Ewell Infant School is reduced from 90 to 60 for September 2017.
Recommendation 5
That the start date to the primary admissions round is changed from 1 September to the first day after the Autumn half term (31 October 2016 for 2017 admission).
Recommendation 6
That the Published Admission Numbers (PAN) for September 2017 for all other community and voluntary controlled schools are determined as they are set out in Appendix 1 of Enclosure 1, of the Cabinet report, which include the following changes:
i) Beacon Hill School - introduction of Year 3 PAN of 2
ii) CranleighCofE Primary School – re-introduction of Year 3 PAN of 30
iii) Dovers Green School - increase in Reception PAN from 56 to 90
iv) Downs Way School – increase in Reception PAN from 45 to 60
v) Godalming Junior - increase in Junior PAN from 58 to 60
vi) West Byfleet Junior - increase in Junior PAN from 60 to 90
Recommendation 7
That the aspects of Surrey’s admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for September 2017, for which no change is proposed, are agreed as set out in Enclosure 1 of the Cabinet report and its Appendices.
Recommendation 8
That the primary and secondary coordinated admission schemes that will apply to all schools for 2017 are agreed as set out in Enclosure 2 of the Cabinet report.
Reports for Information / Discussion
The following report was received and noted:
· Quarterly Report on Decisions taken under Special Urgency Arrangements: 1 October – 31 December 2015
That the report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 15 December 2015 and 2 February 2016 be adopted.
Supporting documents: