Agenda item


This report summarises progress with the Local Committee’s programme of Highways works for the current Financial Year 2015-16.

Preparations are well advanced to deliver the Local Committee’s programme of Highways works for the Financial Year 2016-17.


That the Local Committee [Epsom & Ewell] agreed:


(i)     To approve the advertisement of the Legal Notice for a new Zebra Crossing in Church Street, Epsom, near Pitt Place, and for any objections to be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member;

(ii)    That the proposal for a permanent one-way system incorporating Hook Road, Chase Road, Temple Road and Pound Lane is not progressed further at the present time and that changes to the layout of parking bays in Temple Road be considered as part of the next parking review.

(iii)  To approve the advertisement of the Legal Notice for a new Zebra Crossing in Woodcote Green Road, near the bus stops behind Epsom Hospital, and for any objections to be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member;

(iv)  That the proposals for the Epsom Banstead Sustainable Transport Package (SPT) should be the subject of public consultation during May and June 2016, and to agree that the project consultation material should be decided by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Epsom Banstead STP Member Task Group;

(v)   The realignment of the tactile paving on the southern side of the Grosvenor Road bellmouth to match the dropped kerb on the northern side, thus providing a finished but lesser scheme at this location;

(vi)  To authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.



Programmes of work have been agreed with the Committee and individual Divisional Members.  Committee is asked to provide the necessary authorisation to deliver those programmes of work in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member without the need to revert to the Committee as a whole.


Public consultation is needed to assist the development of the Epsom Banstead STP scheme proposals.  At a later date it is expected that Committee will be asked to approve statutory consultation (legal notices for certain elements of the scheme) once the detailed design is nearing completion.


Declarations of Interest:  None.


Officers attending:  Nick Healey, Area Highways Team Manager


Petitions, Public Questions/Statements:  Two members of the public asked questions in relation to this item.  One queried whether the computer modelling took into account the school at Pound Lane.  Mr Tuffo who had previously submitted two petitions to the Committee, one in relation to opposition to the proposed one-way system in Temple Road/Hook Road and one asking for traffic calming in Temple Road asked whether a 20mph speed limit could be considered in the area, particularly in Pound Lane.  He also asked for changes to the parking bays in Temple Road: shortening some of the bays so that vehicles cannot park as close to the dropped kerbs for driveways, to give better visibility to drivers exiting; and for bays to be moved to create a chicane effect to slow traffic.  The Parking Engineer had been consulted and had agreed that some of the bays could be shortened in the next few months, but that redesign of the position of the bays would need to be considered in the next parking review.  Whilst pleased that the bays could be shortened, Mr Tufo reported that this would still allow two vehicles to park which he felt would still be dangerous.  It was agreed that he would discuss this further with Cllr Wormington, Mr Persand and the Parking Engineer.


Member Discussion – key points


Noted that the Stoneleigh Park Road to Bradford Drive cycle scheme has not yet been finalised and the plan at Annex F just shows the current progress.  It is designed to help cycles legally cross to Bradford Drive without dismounting instead of having to go to the roundabout and back.  The final scheme will come back to the Committee for approval.


Mr Persand proposed that the Hook Road/Temple Road one-way system should be further investigated with a view to implementing a one-way system.  There was no seconder to his proposal.


Cllr Frost asked whether the Millennium Green Trustees had been consulted on whether they would agree to moving the bin, bench and sign to an area nearer to the proposed zebra crossing. 


Members queried whether the proposed cycle link in Scotts Farm Road could be affected by any development taking place nearby, as infrastructure improvements would be required in the area.  The Highways Area Manager reported that the scheme is currently awaiting agreement to the transfer of land from Epsom & Ewell High School.


Mrs Mason reported that Brumfield Road would be replaced by work of a similar value in Green Lanes (odd side).


The adverts for the current parking review had not yet been published.  The Parking Engineer would be asked for a publication date which would be circulated to members of the Committee.




(i)     To approve the advertisement of the Legal Notice for a new Zebra Crossing in Church Street, Epsom, near Pitt Place, and for any objections to be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member;

(ii)    That the proposal for a permanent one-way system incorporating Hook Road, Chase Road, Temple Road and Pound Lane is not progressed further at the present time and that changes to the layout of parking bays in Temple Road be considered as part of the next parking review.

(iii)  To approve the advertisement of the Legal Notice for a new Zebra Crossing in Woodcote Green Road, near the bus stops behind Epsom Hospital, and for any objections to be considered by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Divisional Member;

(iv)  That the proposals for the Epsom Banstead Sustainable Transport Package (SPT) should be the subject of public consultation during May and June 2016, and to agree that the project consultation material should be decided by the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Epsom Banstead STP Member Task Group;

(v)   The realignment of the tactile paving on the southern side of the Grosvenor Road bellmouth to match the dropped kerb on the northern side, thus providing a finished but lesser scheme at this location;

(vi)  To authorise the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and relevant Divisional Member(s) to undertake all necessary procedures to deliver the agreed programmes.



Programmes of work have been agreed with the Committee and individual Divisional Members.  Committee is asked to provide the necessary authorisation to deliver those programmes of work in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and relevant Divisional Member without the need to revert to the Committee as a whole.


Public consultation is needed to assist the development of the Epsom Banstead STP scheme proposals.  At a later date it is expected that Committee will be asked to approve statutory consultation (legal notices for certain elements of the scheme) once the detailed design is nearing completion.

Supporting documents: