Agenda item


To update the Education and Skills Board on the outcome of the consultation in regard to Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) transport policies and provide recommendations




Liz Mills, SEND Strategic Programme Lead

Sue Roch, South East Area Education Officer


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Area Education Officer introduced the report and informed the Board that the item was a summary of the update on consultation surrounding pre 16 and post 16 SEND travel and that a report would be taken to Cabinet in May 2016.

2.    Members questioned the reason for service users not being targeted for feedback during the consultation.  Officers informed the Board that service partners were targeted for responses to the consultation, but that consultation with service users would be undertaken in the future.

3.    Officers informed Members that the transport charge was reviewed annually and confirmed that further information on the flat rate contribution would be brought to the next Board meeting. Under the policies in place there was some disparity around parental contribution to transport costs; therefore the service wanted to make this fairer for all parents, depending on ability to afford costs.

4.    There was a discussion around the survey results which found that 40% of parents thought the service had a fair way of charging.  There were mixed views among Members as to whether this was a successful result.

5.    The Board was informed that the proposed travel allowance payments to parents would be within tax guidelines, and would not put parents into a compromised position with HMRC. The proposal was also found to be less expensive than other authorities on comparison.  It was added that the final policy document would contain the exact financial commitment for families. 

6.    The document had been co-produced with parental representatives to help ensure transparency. The Board was informed that any changes made would only apply to new service users or existing service users that request the change.  It was expressed that the service would continue to improve and identify more effective solutions while ensuring that statutory responsibilities are adhered to.

7.    Officers noted that the service had started to run co-design workshops for the Parent Guide with families and would implement work with individuals to address challenges and solutions through co-design.  It was added that parents were critical in deciding the content of the document along with different agencies involved.

8.    Members were informed that the charging of existing families was considered but this proposal was reject as the policy would not support how the service wanted to work with parents.  Evidence showed that it would be more effective to implement the changes for post 16 travel.

9.    The Board was informed that the service allowed a full range of consultees to contribute to the policy, this included SOS SEN which is a national organisation.  They raised points predominately on residential transport.

10.  Officers concluded by agreeing with the Board that the item would come back to the Education and Skills Board in September 2016 once further work with families had been completed. 





The Board requested:


·         To review the Parent Guide at the Board meeting in September 2016

·         A review of the methods and results of the consultation of the Parent Guide with parents and customers of SEND Transport.

·         To review SOS SEN’s response to Surrey County Council’s Pre & Post 16 SEND Transport Policies; Officers’ responses to SOS SEN, and details on amendments to the Policies accordingly.

Supporting documents: