Agenda item

Public Petition

To consider a petition regarding Bridge Street, Guildford.


This petition was submitted to Guildford Borough Council in February.

They made the decision to forward it to Surrey County Council, as the Highways Authority.


It now has over 11,000 signatures on it.


The petition states that:

‘Following a tragic accident in February 2016, the County Council takes immediate action to reduce the number of incidents on Bridge Street, Guildford.’


In line with legislation and the Council’s petition scheme, the Council has to debate a petition, if it contains more than 10,000 signatures.


An e-petition regarding Bridge Street, Guildford had received 11,390 signatures.


This petition was submitted to Guildford Borough Council in February and that Council had made the decision to forward it to Surrey County Council as the Highways Authority.


The petitioner, Mr Joe Hudson, had nominated Mr George Bowen to present it on his behalf, and he was invited to address the meeting.


He made the following points:


·                He thanked Members for taking the time to receive the petition and listen to him

·                The petition had received 11,390 signatures

·                Bridge Street, Guildford had become infamous for the high number of accidents there over the last few years

·                The petition had been started because two people had tragically lost their lives and he had spoken to the grieving families

·                He had lived in Guildford as a student and considered that insufficient measures had been taken in Bridge Street to ensure that accidents did not happen because there were no barriers or traffic calming measures on this road

·                It was important to ensure that no further accidents happened in the area

·                He had studied the ‘crash map’ for the area and provided details of the traffic flow

·                He proposed suggested improvements such as improvements around the Friary pedestrian crossing and the one-way gyratory system

·                Acknowledgement that the police and coroner’s reports were still pending

·                Finally, he urged Members to find the funding to make the highway improvements to prevent further accidents.


The Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding responded to the petitioner. A copy of his statement is attached as Appendix A.


Six Members spoke during the debate and made the following points:


·                Condolences to the families and friends of Kat Garrett and Del Kendall for their sad loss

·                Full support for the recommendation proposed by the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding

·                A reference to the Guildford Master Plan and that measures were underway to improve pedestrian and cycling access in Bridge Street

·                The petition had been presented to Guildford Borough Council a few weeks ago

·                That road safety in Bridge Street would be included on the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Board agenda for its 9 June meeting and that the Chairman of Guildford Local Committee and other key people would be invited to attend. This Board would then report its findings / recommendations back to County Council at the earliest opportunity.

·                Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) funding (Enterprise M3) for Guildford was approved at the end of March

·                Finally, Mr Bowen was thanked for his excellent presentation.


After the debate, Members were asked if they supported the recommendation made by the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding, that the Economic Prosperity, Environment and Highways Board scrutinise any proposed road safety improvements for Bridge Street, Guildford at their meeting in June and report back to a future County Council meeting at the earliest opportunity.


Guildford Local Committee would also be asked to scrutinise any proposals that may be introduced to improve road safety at this location.


Members agreed unanimously with the recommendation.