To consider an opportunity to acquire new premises for Horley Library, providing a modern and flexible high profile environment in a town centre in a part of Surrey experiencing rapid population growth and ongoing regeneration.
N.B. an annex containing exempt information is contained in Part 2 of the agenda – item 20.
[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Council Overview Board or the Resident Experience Scrutiny Board]
1. That the purchase of a retail unit in Russell Square, Horley for the purchase price, as stated in the ‘Part 2’ report (item 20) on a 998 year long lease (a ‘virtual freehold’) from Reigate and Banstead Borough Council (RBBC), as premises for a modern library for Horley be approved.
2. That authority be delegated to the Chief Property Officer, in consultation with the Director of Finance, the Director of Legal, Democratic and Cultural Services, the Cabinet Member for Localities and Community Wellbeing and the Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience to award a contract for the refurbishment and fit out of the new library, subject to formal tender, at a cost not to exceed that stated in the ‘Part 2’ report (item 20).
Reasons for Decisions:
To stimulate and maintain high levels of library use in Horley. The existing Horley library building is no longer in the centre of the town, does not provide a suitable environment for a modern library service and incurs high maintenance and running costs. Acquiring a recently constructed retail unit in Russell Square will provide premises fit for a modern library where a growing community will benefit from the more convenient location and a comprehensive range of services available to local residents.
[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Resident Experience Scrutiny Board or the Council Overview Board]
The Cabinet Member for Localities and Community Wellbeing said that this was an exciting opportunity to acquire new premises for the library in Horley, which would provide a modern and flexible high profile environment in the town centre in a part of Surrey that was experiencing rapid population growth and ongoing regeneration.
He said that it would be accessible by car and public transport and compared the move to other library moves in Surrey, such as in Dorking where the new library had resulted in increased footfall.
He considered that libraries were the ‘front door’ of the County Council and a place where residents could receive or be signposted to advice and guidance. He tabled a revised site map, which enabled better comparison between the current and proposed site of the library and said that there would be no loss or reduction in library facilities at its new location because the service would be able to make more effective use of space.
He drew Cabinet’s attention to two emails received from local residents and also to the concerns of Horley’s local history group and said that if the recommendations were agreed today that he would continue to work with them to address their needs in the new library. Finally, he confirmed that an Equality Impact Assessment had been undertaken and this set out mitigating action to identified issues of concern.
As the Local Member, the Cabinet Associate for Community Safety Services raised questions of concern from local residents. She said that the library was well used, cited the increased population in the area and the need for a good quality library in the town. She was pleased that there would be ongoing dialogue with the history group; referred to the ‘not fit for purpose’ building of the current library; addressed the parking concerns but hoped that disabled parking would be retained, and; the issue of apparent lack of consultation.
On a more general point, she also requested that future Equality Impact Assessments were made relevant to their local groups, stating that this one referred to Dorking and Working but not Horley.
The Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health confirmed her support for the proposals, which she thought would be a great success and welcomed the investment in the service.
Finally, the Leader of the Council said that the Council was pleased that no libraries in Surrey had closed and confirmed his support for libraries in Surrey.
1. That the purchase of a retail unit in Russell Square, Horley for the purchase price, as stated in the ‘Part 2’ report (item 20) on a 998 year long lease (a ‘virtual freehold’) from Reigate and Banstead Borough Council (RBBC), as premises for a modern library for Horley be approved.
2. That authority be delegated to the Chief Property Officer, in consultation with the Director of Finance, the Director of Legal, Democratic and Cultural Services, the Cabinet Member for Localities and Community Wellbeing and the Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident Experience to award a contract for the refurbishment and fit out of the new library, subject to formal tender, at a cost not to exceed that stated in the ‘Part 2’ report (item 20).
Reasons for Decisions:
To stimulate and maintain high levels of library use in Horley. The existing Horley library building is no longer in the centre of the town, does not provide a suitable environment for a modern library service and incurs high maintenance and running costs. Acquiring a recently constructed retail unit in Russell Square will provide premises fit for a modern library where a growing community will benefit from the more convenient location and a comprehensive range of services available to local residents.
Supporting documents: