Agenda item


Purpose of the report: The Basingstoke Canal Authority report detailing works and events relating to the Canal 2016/17



James Taylor, Strategic Manager Basingstoke Canal
Fiona Shipp, Canal Manager

Key Points of Discussion:

1.    Officers outlined the work undertaken by the BCA in the year 2015/16. It was noted that some issues had occurred throughout the year regarding lock maintenance. The specific issue of Storm Katie was raised as having caused damage to some trees under BCA management.

2.    Officers noted that a tree survey had been undertaken two years ago and that the initial backlog of tree works had been rectified. This was a result of the rapid improvement of project and capital funding, however it was noted that this would be funded by BCA revenue funding in future. This was expected to be within the budgeted amount as the number of trees requiring attention is expected to fall with each 3 year inspection cycle.

3.    It was questioned by the Committee as to what was done with dead wood as a result of storms or other natural events and whether the selling of wood could be an income generator for the BCA. Officers responded that it was difficult and costly to move to sell wood on a large scale, due to logistical difficulties with the Canal’s geography. It was, however, noted that the best examples of felled timber were used by BCA to make items for the canal. It was also noted that the BCA shared any timber that can be cost effectively obtained in partnership with Blackwater Valley and some of this was sold as fuel.

4.    It was noted that most dead wood was left in its environment for ecological reasons.

5.    It was queried by the Committee as to the risks involved to the canal as a result of falling trees. It was confirmed by officers that the highest risk trees had been removed following the tree survey first, to minimise risk. It was noted that there was also an emergency plan in place to combat any issues arising from this, which had recently been reissued. It was added that the BCA works closely with partners to go through any concerns regarding these high risk issues.

6.    It was noted by officers that water management was being continually observed to reduce any risk. This was undertaken by the BCA’s Rangers. It was also noted that a new telemetry measuring system was being currently installed on the canal to monitor water height, ensuring ease of monitoring and proactive management of water levels to minimise any risk of flooding.

7.    It was noted by officers that the BCA had experienced some burglary and misuse of canal property issues, but that policies were in place currently to resolve these. The use of the new patrol boat was particularly noted as successful in reducing incidents of misuse.

8.    Officers praised the work of volunteers as a positive contribution to the canal. Members asked that their thanks be passed onto the volunteer teams. It was noted that there has been an increase in the number of volunteers in the last two years. It was also noted that the contribution of volunteers to the canal had served to provide a significant positive cost benefit for the BCA.

9.    It was noted that there was a project underway between the BCA and the Basingstoke Canal Society to produce a new volunteer leaflet to encourage new volunteers. It was suggested that work on this project would be completed before the next meeting of the Committee.

10.  A question was put forward by the Committee regarding the viability and progress of revising Gate and Garden Licences for adjoining properties on the canal. It was suggested for gate licences that the returns on the implementation of such a policy would not be significant enough to successfully implement the policy. Officers noted however that garden licences were a different matter, and that these were required where a householder was occupying part of the Canal’s land as part of their garden.

11.  It was noted by officers that the BCA was preparing an operational plan to present to the Committee at its next meeting.

12.  Officers explained that, following discussion with the organisers of the Farnborough Air Show (FAS), that temporary suspensions would be placed this year on the canal as a result of low-flying aircraft displays. It was noted that the FAS will provide staff to police the temporary suspension of use.

13.  Officers elucidated that a channel depth survey was being procured with an expected start date of July 2016; this would lead to future dredging programme to an agreed canal profile.


14.  Regarding Dogmersfield landslip, it was expected that Hampshire County Council engineers would begin work in October 2016. It was asked by the Committee whether there would be disruption to canal traffic. Officers responded that the navigation and towpath would be closed during works, but that the canal would remain watered during this time. It was noted that during replacement of the Barley Mow Culvert the Canal would be locally dammed and drained, but that this would be undertaken either at the beginning or end of the works timetable to reduce disruption.

15.  The Committee requested any fences at Dogmersfield would be substantial enough to minimise risk of members of the public entering the worksite. Officers confirmed that work would be done by the contractors to ensure that this was addressed correctly.

16.  The Committee notes and approves the hard work undertaken by volunteers on the canal.


a.    That officers present the Operational Plan of the BCA to the next meeting of the Committee.

b.    That the Committee noted and approved the support given by the Basingstoke Canal Authority to volunteers.


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