Agenda item


The Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health will update the Board on any important news and announcements from within the Directorate.



Helen Atkinson, Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health
Mel Few, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence

Key points of discussion:

1.    The Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health gave an update concerning:

·         Deprivation of Liberties (DoLs)

·         social care in prisons; and,

·         the review of the Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy.

2.    The Board was informed that DoLs requests to Surrey County Council had significantly increased over the last two years, citing that 3987 DoLs requests had been made in the financial year 2015/2016. It was explained that steps were being taken to meet the challenge of increased demand. This included increasing Best Interest Assessors and improved training to existing staff to cope with this demand.

Dorothy Ross-Tomin entered the meeting at 10.35am

3.    The Board was informed that the issues related to DoLs were a national challenge for those providing Adult Social Care. It was highlighted that the Council was dealing well with the issue when compared nationally, though it still presented a considerable risk to the Council. It was clarified that cases that were considered the most at risk were always prioritised for a DoLs assessment.  The Board requested a paper for the next Adult Social Care themed meeting of the Board.

4.    The Board was provided with an update on the work undertaken by the service with regard to social care provisions within the prison system in Surrey. It was highlighted that those requiring services in this sector has been higher than was forecast, with the three primary areas being physical disability, mental health support and dementia. It was agreed that a further report would come to the next Adult Social Care themed meeting of the Board. Members also expressed support for a sub-group to be established to monitor progress in this area twice a year. The following Members volunteered: Barbara Thomson, Fiona White and Margaret Hicks.

5.    Officers gave an update to the Board on the progress of the Accommodation with Care and Support programme, and the development of integrated commissioning with NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). The Board was informed that a core aim of the programme was to increase accommodation in order to meet the growth in demand for those needing care and support, improve independence, and reduce those housed long-term in cares homes.


6.    The Board was informed that approximately 600 new flats were required to meet projected demand, and that the council was working in partnership with CCGs, district and borough councils, and with the market in order to meet the challenge raised by this growth in demand.


7.    The Board queried whether the service was making best use of Council-owned property, and asked a specific query about the future use for the six closed care homes. It was confirmed that the Accommodation with Care and Support review would include a consideration of the appropriateness of these sites in question, and that the decision by Cabinet that these sites would be retained for social care use was still the case. 


8.    The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence highlighted that there were concerns about provision for young people with learning difficulties transitioning into Adult Social Care, and the growing need for respite care. The Board raised the possibility of mapping out the next five years in relation to the provision of accommodation with care and support, and the council could seek to engage the community in supporting its strategy.