Agenda item


Purpose of the report:  Policy Development and Review 


The draft Public Safety Plan has been subject to public consultation and the Board is asked to review the findings and approve the document for consideration by Cabinet.



Declarations of Interest:






Russell Pearson, Chief Fire Officer

Sally Wilson, Service Improvement Manager

Victoria Kiehl, Project Specialist

Asif Aziz, Fire Brigade Union, Surrey Brigade Chair

Richard Jones, Fire Brigade Union, Regional Secretary

Kay Hammond, Associate Cabinet Member, Community Safety Services


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Chairman introduced the item and gave the Board a brief history of the participation of Members, Fire and Rescue Service and the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) in the creation of the Public Safety Plan. The Chairman expressed that he is very pleased with the draft Public Safety Plan and understands that a lot of work has been put into it.


2.    The FBU Regional Secretary explained that a legislation change in 2004 introduced the requirement for an Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP). He expressed to the Board that the FBU was very pleased with Surrey’s draft Public Safety Plan, which includes Surrey’s IRMP. The Regional Secretary added that they believed it to be one of the best in the country as a true integrated plan, unlike many other plans which seemed to be orientated around budget cuts. The Board was informed that the FBU was heavily involved with the creation of the plan and that the residents of Surrey see the future collaboration plans as the right choice in the current economic climate.


3.    The Associate Cabinet Member referred to the consultation process outlined within the report and highlighted that the Council needs to make the residents of Surrey more aware of what the Fire Service does and the risks that it faces as it is obvious in the report that communication is a key problem.


4.    Members of the Board expressed how happy they were in their ability to easily understand and read the draft Public Safety Plan and consider this a positive step forward. The Board congratulated all the Officers involved for the work that had been put into it.


5.    A discussion was held about concerns with sustainability and resilience around budget pressures and the increased risks and demands that were brought with the rising population in Surrey and other key issues that would increase response times from the Fire and Rescue Service. Officers explained that the Fire and Rescue Service was incredibly lean in comparison with other similar services across the country and that resources were stretched thin due to budget constraints and that this had, and would continue to, cause many challenges that need to be resolved.

6.    The Chief Fire Officer expressed that the success of the Emergency Services Collaboration Programme was key for all services to achieve the appropriate savings required and also in order to provide the best possible service for the residents of Surrey.




       that the Board’s Member Reference Group discusses and outlines the concerns raised around the impact and implications the delivery of the Public Safety Plan will have on the residents of Surrey at its July meeting, and for these concerns to be submitted as a report to Cabinet, and;

       that Cabinet subsequently considers the Board’s concerns, and its implications, before approving the plan on 20 September 2016.


Supporting documents: