Agenda item


Purpose of the report:  Policy Development and Review 


(i) To provide the Board with an update on the performance and relevance of the general voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) infrastructure organisations co-commissioned by the County Council, Boroughs and District Councils and Clinical Commissioning Groups and the important contribution of the VCFS in general.


(ii) To share with the Board the work of the ‘Driving Up Volunteering Across Surrey’ project.



Declarations of Interest:






SabaHussain, Policy & Strategic Partnerships Manager

Rachael Crossley, Assistant Director (Chief of Staff)


Key points raised during the discussion:



  1. In introducing the report, the Officer highlighted that on the whole the sector was doing well. There has been an increase in volunteers from the previous two years and the results from the independent survey of users of the infrastructure organisations were positive, indicating that 92% were highly satisfied with the Councils for Voluntary Services (CVSs) and how additional funds were secured into the area.


  1. Although the infrastructure organisations was showing positive good work, the Officer outlined sustainability as one of the main concerns. The organisations were working to tackle this problem by seeking further collaborations and ways of working to support further efficiencies and create a sustainable infrastructure base.


  1. A Member sought more information on the relationship between the CVSs and corporate organisations. The Officer was pleased to address the Board that Surrey County Council has a strong connection with local businesses and last year alone, the infrastructure organisations facilitated a hundred events with over 1,600 individuals from businesses engaged in volunteer activity. In addition the Board were informed of an event that would take place next week called ‘We are Surrey’, aimed at inspiring businesses to support their local communities.


  1. One Member expressed concern with the continuance of volunteers through the generations, as a great number were older and that category would be lost soon. The Officer explained that they are trying to reach out and engage with young people through targeted projects and also looking at opportunities to encourage inter-generational volunteering.


  1. There was a discussion around the funding which was distributed amongst the infrastructure groups as Members wanted to know why different amounts were given to different groups, as outlined in Annex A. The Officer explained that figures were different as certain groups had merged and covered larger areas, subsequently changing the amount that they were be allocated to reflect the efficiencies of scale.


  1. Reference was made to the unemployed and a Member encouraged individuals who were in this category to consider volunteering as a route back into work, developing new skills and strengthening their CVs with additional experience. 


  1. The Vice Chairman conveyed to the Board that money could be a barrier for some individuals volunteering, emphasising that that there could be a possibility that some people would like to volunteer but cannot afford it. The Officer noted this concern and the importance of ensuring money is not an obstacle, and assured the Board that this would be tackled by analysing the issue and understanding what is required to further support these individuals.




a)    The Board requests an end of project report on the Driving up Volunteering Project.


b)    The Board requests for officers to provide promotional materials to all Members and.


c)    The Board recommends all Members to share information with local residents through all appropriate channels available.


Supporting documents: