Agenda item


Purpose of the report:

The Board will receive a verbal update from the Strategic Director of Children’s, Schools and Families regarding any news or updates within the service.



Julie Fisher, Strategic Director for Children, Schools and Families and Deputy Chief Executive
Julian Gordon-Walker, Head of Safeguarding, Children’s Services

Declarations of Interest:

Key points raised during the discussion:

1.    The Strategic Director for Children, Schools and Families outlined the plan for continuous improvement within the service. The efforts undertaken since summer 2015 with regard to creating a stable leadership team, improving work with partners and the Safer Surrey practice guidelines were all highlighted as particularly successful.

2.    It was noted that the Department for Education (DfE) review of July 2016 confirmed the improvement of the service with regard to its Improvement Plan. The service reported that its progress had met internal expectations, but that an Ofsted comment noted that improvement needed to be initiated with greater speed across the service. However, Ofsted also noted that staff morale was at a high level and that the service had taken the correct initial steps. It was noted that a full report was due to be published autumn 2016.

3.    It was noted that a refreshed Improvement Plan with a focus on improving practice was due to be formulated in September 2016.

Bob Gardner entered the meeting at 10.45am

4.    Officers highlighted that the service was in the process of creating a quality assurance record which was due to be delivered to the Improvement Board on 29 September 2016.

5.    It was explained by officers that there was an improvement in practice within the service, but that its implementation was inconsistent. The Strategic Director for Children, Schools and Families did, however, note that in areas where the Safer Surrey practice guidelines were being utilised, instances of good practice had increased significantly and that parent and child understanding of the service aims and responsibilities had improved. It was emphasised that the Safer Surrey practice guidelines were being implemented across the service.

6.    Members highlighted their concerns regarding the high level of caseloads for social workers within the service.  The Strategic Director for Children, Schools and Families pointed out that the service response of recruiting a team of temporary specialist assessors with a focus on completing new assessments was a positive step towards easing this issue.

7.    It was noted that the long term solution to issues regarding high caseloads would be resolved by:  the establishment of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in October 2016, the revision of thresholds guidance and review the Early Help strategy.

8.    Members queried the procedures in place for young people leaving the system and whether the current “step up” and “step down” procedures were sufficiently robust. It was noted that the Ofsted judgement of the procedures was positive and that the service had addressed the previous concern that children were being “Stepped Down” without being signposted on to further support.

9.    Members suggested that the service engage with other partners to work with to improve service quality. Officers noted that the service was working to scope all possible partners and would welcome suggestions and connections from the Board regarding ideas relating to this.


