The Accommodation with Care and Support Programme is a programme of work looking at all accommodation-based adult services that we commission and provide for residents of Surrey who have care and support needs. The Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy was approved by Cabinet in December 2015, giving a commitment to the direction of travel.
Surrey residents are actively choosing to make accommodation choices which are suitable for the longer term and their future care need, with an increase in people being supported to live independently. The predicted trend for accommodation needs in Surrey shows a declining demand for Residential Care with a growing popularity in Extra Care type accommodation. However, we also know that the population of Surrey is growing, people are living longer and living with more complex needs, and so despite the trend towards more independent living, we are also expecting to see a growth in demand for dementia specialist residential and nursing care.
The Accommodation with Care and Support Programme aims to increase the options available for residents needing accommodation with care and support, by integrating our approach across health, care and the community, and re-shaping the market to ensure everyone has access to the right support regardless of tenure.
Through the programme, the Council is looking to develop local partnerships and opportunities for a range of flexible and financially self-sustaining accommodation with care and support that will enable adults to live and age well. The strategic vision is to stimulate the market to deliver an additional 600 Extra Care apartments across the county by 2025.
N.B. There is a Part 2 report containing exempt information – item 22.
[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Council Overview Board or the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board]
1. The use of Surrey County Council assets, as appropriate, as part of the business case and offer to the market as outlined and described in the Part 2 report, be approved.
2. That responsibility for the exact sites that will be used as part of the offer to the market be delegated to the Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing & Independence and the Cabinet Member for Business Services & Resident Experience.
3. That the Council will be going to market in the Spring of 2017 to identify a development partner to begin delivery of the strategic ambition for Extra Care housing.
4. That further engagement with the market and a competitive tendering process will be taking place, with the appropriate delivery model and award of contract being subject to further Cabinet consideration at a later date.
Reasons for Decisions:
With changing demographics, increasing financial challenges, and a joint health and social care strategy to support people to live independently in their homes for as long as possible, we need to commission the right accommodation options to meet our resident’s health and wellbeing needs. To do this, the Council will need to work with partners and the private sector to shape the market for accommodation with care and support and to meet the strategic aims of the Accommodation with Care and Support strategy. By approving the approach to market to stimulate additional capacity within Extra Care housing market, the Cabinet sets out a clear direction of travel and message to the market in relation to future needs and our commitment to work in partnership. Further detail on this recommendation can be found in paragraph 14 of the submitted report.
[The decision on this item may be called in by either the Council Overview Board or the Social Care Services Scrutiny Board]
The Accommodation with Care and Support Programme is a programme of work looking at all accommodation-based adult services that is commissioned and provides for residents of Surrey who have care and support needs. The Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy was approved by Cabinet in December 2015, giving a commitment to the direction of travel.
The Accommodation with Care and Support Programme aims to increase the options available for residents needing accommodation with care and support, by integrating the County Council approach across health, care and the community, and re-shaping the market to ensure everyone has access to the right support regardless of tenure.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing and Independence said that the report set out the rationale for the programme within paragraphs 5-10 of the report. He said that a number of the procurement models had been explored, including a public private partnership, a joint venture, a fully commissioned design, build and deliver package, in house design and build with commissioned delivery.
He referred to the consultation process which had been carried out and drew attention to the risk implications, as set out in the report. He also said by focussing on ensuring better understanding of future demand and developing the market to meet those needs, whilst maximising the Council’s assets, additional capacity for extra care housing would contribute towards savings already planned in the Medium Term Financial Plan, and those required for future years.
Finally, he referred to the Equalities Impact Assessment, which was included as an Annex to the report.
The Cabinet Member for Business Services and Resident experience confirmed that the Adult Social Care service would be working with colleagues in Property Services to develop this initiative, which she considered would improve residents wellbeing and help them to live independently for longer.
1. The use of Surrey County Council assets, as appropriate, as part of the business case and offer to the market as outlined and described in the Part 2 report, be approved.
2. That responsibility for the exact sites that will be used as part of the offer to the market be delegated to the Strategic Director for Adult Social Care and Public Health, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Wellbeing & Independence and the Cabinet Member for Business Services & Resident Experience.
3. That the Council will be going to market in the Spring of 2017 to identify a development partner to begin delivery of the strategic ambition for Extra Care housing.
4. That further engagement with the market and a competitive tendering process will be taking place, with the appropriate delivery model and award of contract being subject to further Cabinet consideration at a later date.
Reasons for Decisions:
With changing demographics, increasing financial challenges, and a joint health and social care strategy to support people to live independently in their homes for as long as possible, we need to commission the right accommodation options to meet our resident’s health and wellbeing needs. To do this, the Council will need to work with partners and the private sector to shape the market for accommodation with care and support and to meet the strategic aims of the Accommodation with Care and Support strategy. By approving the approach to market to stimulate additional capacity within Extra Care housing market, the Cabinet sets out a clear direction of travel and message to the market in relation to future needs and our commitment to work in partnership. Further detail on this recommendation can be found in paragraph 14 of the submitted report.
Supporting documents: