Agenda item

SCC Ref 2016/0019 - RE16/00337/CON Land at and adjoining Reigate Parish School, Blackborough Road, Reigate, Surrey

Erection of 2 storey building comprising 8 classrooms, hall, staff and group rooms, preparations area, WCs and library, associated circulation, play areas and landscaping; alterations to footpath access and car parking layout to facilitate expansion of school from a 2FE infant to a 2FE primary.




Alan Stones, Planning Development Control Team Manager

Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor

Caroline Smith, Transport Development Team Manager

Chris Northwood, Planning Regulation Team Leader 




Dr Grant-Duff, the local Member, made the following points:


1.    The local Member informed the Committee that she wanted to convey the anxiety of her local residents with the potential school expansion and the parking problems that it may cause. Members noted the local Members comments that the school was in a good transport zone with a bus route and was within walking distance from the local town.

2.    The local Member showed appreciation to the Officers for working with her to review the conditions to include new proposals for parking restrictions in the area.. 


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Planning Regulation Team Leader introduced the report and the update sheet tabled at the meeting. The Committee were informed of the details of the report and the significant redesign during the process which resolved some issues that had been faced. It was noted that during the construction two trees would need to be removed. Parking restrictions on the road and road opposite would be implemented to prevent all day parking as parents would find it hard to find space to pick up and drop of children. The Officer concluded by informing the Committee that overall they were assured that all the main issues were resolved and that Officers recommended approval the report.

2.    A Member of the Committee showed concern that two trees would need to be removed but after visiting the site understood that there was no other alternative. Another Member agreed with this but noted that the trees that would be lost were not visible from the public domain as they were covered by other trees.

3.    Members stressed the importance and   necessity of working with the Local Committee when making plans for parking with school expansions as they were better placed to understand the repercussions at a local level.

4.    Members confirmed the need for school places in the local area and agreed that the land was right for development. In reference to parking, a Member highlighted that they were impressed that the school had many walking to school incentives which included a large scooter rack and different walking challenges. 

5.    A Member raised concern over the loss of play space and queried whether Sport England had been consulted. The Planning Regulation Team Leader responded to this by informing the Committee that the application did not fall into the criteria to consult Sport England. The Officer went on to notify the Committee that an artificial pitch had been built to address the extra pressures on play space.

6.    Members questioned the Conditions which referred to indicative parking restrictions, The Transport Development Team Manager confirmed that this allowed flexibility when fixing the issues with local parking.


            The resolution of the Committee was unanimous. 




That application RE16/00337/CON Land at and adjoining Reigate Parish School, Blackborough Road, Reigate, Surrey was permitted subject to conditions and reasons set out in the report.


Actions/further information to be provided:




Supporting documents: