· Recognise and Remember Task Group Update
· Community Integration Task Group Update
· SCC Gold Employer Recognition Award (attached)
· Shared Intelligence Report (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/armed-forces-community-covenant/armed-forces-community-covenant#improving-the-delivery-of-local-covenant-pledges) (attached) and proposed Surrey MoD Case Studies
Recognise and Remember Task Group Update
The last meeting was held at DMRC Headley Court and it was confirmed that the relocation in 2018 was final. The group is discussing whether it would be appropriate for Headley to receive a Royal title. There will be an event on 29 September 2017 to celebrate all that Headley Court has achieved before the move north starting with a church service at St Martin’s followed by a Freedom March through Dorking High Street.
The group has been working closely with all Armed Forces Champions on the documenting of War Memorials in Surrey. This work is going very well.
Steve Owen-Hughes noted that the Fire Brigade has done up the sports pavilion and erected a small memorial. They have researched 100 people whose names are on the memorial who also served in Surrey Fire and Rescue Service – 50 of these served in WW1 and the other 50 in WW2. It was suggested that Steve link in with Barrie Higham, Surrey History Centre. Action: SO-H to contact Barrie Higham
One issue the group is keen to help address is ensuring there is a strong connection between Armed Forces Champions and Task Force Commanders with the constant churn from both sides.
A lot of activity was reported during Armed Forces week including Choral Mattins, Flag Raising, event at Lingfield, Military vehicles at Loseley Park and an event hosted by SERFCA on the Battle of the Somme at Surrey Sports Park.
The group will consider key priorities for 2017 at their next meeting.
Community Integration Task Group Update
A summary of the key issues and future priorities for Housing; Health, Wellbeing and Welfare; Education; and Employment was circulated and the Task Group Chairman led through group through the key priorities.
Two additional papers were circulated prior to the meeting and the Task Group asked for the Boards endorsement of both of these.
The first paper set out an options paper for the Surrey CCGs to deliver the health needs for the Armed Forces Community. The Board agreed option 2 - to employ a 0.2FTE to work across the Surrey CCGs, should be taken forward. Action: PB to inform Debbie Hustings
The second paper ‘Together for Carers’ set out a draft Memorandum of Understanding between Health and Social Care partners to support an integrated approach to the identifying, assessment and meeting of Carers’ health and wellbeing needs, including those needs of military families. The Board agreed their support for this proposal but queried how success would be quantified/measured. The Community Integration Task Group was asked to consider what success would look like and report back. Action: Community Integration Task Group
SCC Gold Employer Recognition Award
The Chairman was delighted to announce that Surrey County Council had been awarded the prestigious Gold Employer Recognition Award. The award was due to be presented to Surrey by HRH Duke of Cambridge at a ceremony the following week. The Board congratulated Surrey and asked for wide publicity, including an article in Surrey Matters and in the Surrey Chambers Newsletter. Action: Community Partnerships Team
Shared Intelligence Report
The Board noted that Surrey County Council and Woking Borough Council were two of the councils that were interviewed as part of the ‘deep dives’ to see how the Covenant was being implemented within local authorities. The outcome of the research, which was carried out by Shared Intelligence on behalf of the Local Government Association and Forces in Mind Trust was written up within the ‘Our Community Our Covenant’ report. The full report can be viewed via https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/armed-forces-community-covenant/armed-forces-community-covenant#improving-the-delivery-of-local-covenant-pledges
Surrey Police – it was noted that residents who phone the 101 number are now asked whether they have served. Action: Steve Owen-Hughes to consider whether this should be the case for the Fire Service and Ambulance Service.
Supporting documents: