Agenda item

Admission Arrangements for Surrey's Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools and the Coordinated Schemes for September 2018

Following statutory consultation on Surrey’s admission arrangements for September 2018, Cabinet is asked to consider the responses set out in Enclosure 4 and make recommendations to the County Council on admission arrangements for Surrey’s community and voluntary controlled schools, the coordinated schemes that will apply to all schools for September 2018 and Surrey’s Relevant Area.


This report covers the following areas in relation to school admissions:


·         Stoughton Infant School, Guildford – Recommendation 1

·         St Andrew’s CofE Infant School, Farnham – Recommendation 2

·         Walsh CofE Junior School, Ash – Recommendation 3

·         Surrey’s Relevant Area – Recommendation 4

·         Admission arrangements for which no change is proposed – Recommendation 5

·         Primary and secondary coordinated admission schemes that will apply to all schools for 2018 – Recommendation 6






Recommendation 1

That a sibling link is introduced for Stoughton Infant School with Northmead Junior School for September 2018.


Reasons for Recommendation

·         There was overall support for this change

·         It would support families with more than one child as families with a sibling at Northmead Junior School would benefit from sibling priority at Stoughton Infant School

·         This proposal is in line with a separate proposal by Northmead Junior School to introduce a reciprocal sibling link with Stoughton Infant School. This was agreed by the Governing Body of Northmead Junior School on 18 January 2017.   

·         It would provide continuity and a clearer transition for parents, children and schools and would reduce anxiety for parents

·         It would maximise the opportunity for families to keep children together or at schools with agreed links

·         It is supported by Governors at Northmead Junior School and by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors of Stoughton Infant School


Recommendation 2

That the published admissions number for St Andrew’s CofE Infant School in Farnham is decreased from 40 to 30 for September 2018


Reasons for Recommendation

·         It is supported by the Headteacher and Governing Body of the school

·         There will still be sufficient infant places for local children if the PAN is decreased

·         It will help support other local schools in maintaining pupil numbers

·         It will alleviate funding and staffing issues in the school

·         It will have no impact on children who are currently on roll at the school


Recommendation 3

That the published admissions number for Walsh CofE Junior School is decreased from 75 to 64 in September 2018


Reasons for Recommendation

·         It is supported by the Headteacher and Governing Body of the school

·         There will still be sufficient junior places for local children if the PAN is decreased

·         It will help support other local schools in maintaining pupil numbers

·         It will alleviate funding, accommodation and staffing issues in the school

·         It will have no impact on children who are currently on roll at the school


Recommendation 4

That Surrey’s Relevant Area is agreed as set out in Enclosure 3.


Reasons for Recommendation

·         The local authority is required by law to define the Relevant Area for admissions

·         The Relevant Area must be consulted upon and agreed every two years even if no changes are proposed

·         Setting a Relevant Area ensures that any schools who might be affected by changes to the admission arrangements for other local schools will be made aware of those changes

·         No change has been made to Surrey’s Relevant Area since it was last determined in March 2015


Recommendation 5

That the aspects of Surrey’s admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for September 2018, for which no change is proposed, are agreed as set out in Enclosure 1 and its Appendices.


Reasons for Recommendation

·         This will ensure stability and consistency for the majority of Surrey’s parents, pupils and schools

·         The arrangements enable parents to have some historical benchmark by which to make informed decisions about their school preferences

·         The existing arrangements are working well

·         The arrangements enable the majority of pupils to attend their nearest schools and in doing so reduces travel and supports Surrey’s sustainability policies

·         Changes highlighted in bold in sections 11, 19 and 21 of Enclosure 1 which have not otherwise been referenced in this report, have been made to add clarity to the admission arrangements but do not constitute a policy change

·         Changes to PAN that are highlighted in bold in Appendix 1 of Enclosure 1 are referenced in Recommendations 2 and 3


Recommendation 6

That the primary and secondary coordinated admission schemes that will apply to all schools for 2018 are agreed as set out in Enclosure 2. 


Reasons for Recommendation

·         The coordinated schemes for 2018 are essentially the same as 2017 with dates updated

·         Paragraph 50 of the primary and secondary schemes and paragraph 2 of the secondary scheme have been updated to provide clarity to the schemes 

·         The coordinated schemes will enable the County Council to meet its statutory duties regarding school admissions

·         The coordinated schemes are working well



The Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement began by explaining huge amount of work and the importance of the report that covered the admission arrangements Surrey’s community and voluntary controller schools and the co-ordinated admission schemes that would apply to all of Surrey’s state maintained schools for September 2018.


She informed Members that last September admissions were made to over 300 schools with 29,000 students; 2,000 of which were from outside of Surrey. She explained that this was a statutory report that had to be considered every year before the admissions arrangements were published in September for the following year, September 2018. She highlighted the 3 proposed changes within the recommendations which included:

·         A sibling link be introduced for Stoughton Infant School with Northmead Junior School for September 2018.

·         That the published admissions number for St Andrew’s CofE Infant School in Farnham is decreased from 40 to 30 for the September 2018.

·         That the published admissions number for Walsh CofE Junior School is decreased from 75 to 64 in September 2018.


Surrey County Council is responsible for setting the admission arrangements for its community and voluntary controlled schools and the coordinated admissions scheme. Academies, foundation, trust and voluntary aided schools are responsible for setting their own admission arrangements and as such are not covered in this report.


An error in paragraph 30 of the report was highlighted and should read:

‘For September 2018 it is proposed to decrease the PAN for Walsh CofE Junior School from 75 to 64.’


Following statutory consultation on Surrey’s admission arrangements for September 2018, Cabinet is asked to consider the responses set out in Enclosure 5 and make recommendations to the County Council on admission arrangements for Surrey’s community and voluntary controlled infant, junior, primary and secondary schools, the coordinated schemes that will apply to all schools for September 2018 and Surrey’s Relevant Area.


This report covers the following areas in relation to school admissions:


·         Stoughton Infant School, Guildford – Recommendation 1

·         St Andrew’s CofE Infant School, Farnham – Recommendation 2

·         Walsh CofE Junior School, Ash – Recommendation 3

·         Surrey’s Relevant Area – Recommendation 4

·         Admission arrangements for which no change is proposed – Recommendation 5

·         Primary and secondary coordinated admission schemes that will apply to all schools for 2018 – Recommendation 6




Recommendation 1

That a sibling link is introduced for Stoughton Infant School with Northmead Junior School for September 2018.


Reasons for Recommendation

·         There was overall support for this change

·         It would support families with more than one child as families with a sibling at Northmead Junior School would benefit from sibling priority at Stoughton Infant School

·         This proposal is in line with a separate proposal by Northmead Junior School to introduce a reciprocal sibling link with Stoughton Infant School. This was agreed by the Governing Body of Northmead Junior School on 18 January 2017.   

·         It would provide continuity and a clearer transition for parents, children and schools and would reduce anxiety for parents

·         It would maximise the opportunity for families to keep children together or at schools with agreed links

·         It is supported by Governors at Northmead Junior School and by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors of Stoughton Infant School


Recommendation 2

That the published admissions number for St Andrew’s CofE Infant School in Farnham is decreased from 40 to 30 for September 2018


Reasons for Recommendation

·         It is supported by the Headteacher and Governing Body of the school

·         There will still be sufficient infant places for local children if the PAN is decreased

·         It will help support other local schools in maintaining pupil numbers

·         It will alleviate funding and staffing issues in the school

·         It will have no impact on children who are currently on roll at the school


Recommendation 3

That the published admissions number for Walsh CofE Junior School is decreased from 75 to 64 in September 2018


Reasons for Recommendation

·         It is supported by the Headteacher and Governing Body of the school

·         There will still be sufficient junior places for local children if the PAN is decreased

·         It will help support other local schools in maintaining pupil numbers

·         It will alleviate funding, accommodation and staffing issues in the school

·         It will have no impact on children who are currently on roll at the school


Recommendation 4

That Surrey’s Relevant Area is agreed as set out in Enclosure 3 to the report.


Reasons for Recommendation

·         The local authority is required by law to define the Relevant Area for admissions

·         The Relevant Area must be consulted upon and agreed every two years even if no changes are proposed

·         Setting a Relevant Area ensures that any schools who might be affected by changes to the admission arrangements for other local schools will be made aware of those changes

·         No change has been made to Surrey’s Relevant Area since it was last determined in March 2015


Recommendation 5

That the aspects of Surrey’s admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for September 2018, for which no change is proposed, are agreed as set out in Enclosure 1 to the report and its Appendices.


Reasons for Recommendation

·         This will ensure stability and consistency for the majority of Surrey’s parents, pupils and schools

·         The arrangements enable parents to have some historical benchmark by which to make informed decisions about their school preferences

·         The existing arrangements are working well

·         The arrangements enable the majority of pupils to attend their nearest schools and in doing so reduces travel and supports Surrey’s sustainability policies

·         Changes highlighted in bold in sections 11, 19 and 21 of Enclosure 1 which have not otherwise been referenced in this report, have been made to add clarity to the admission arrangements but do not constitute a policy change

·         Changes to PAN that are highlighted in bold in Appendix 1 of Enclosure 1 are referenced in Recommendations 2 and 3


Recommendation 6

That the primary and secondary coordinated admission schemes that will apply to all schools for 2018 are agreed as set out in Enclosure 2 to the report. 


Reasons for Recommendation

·         The coordinated schemes for 2018 are essentially the same as 2017 with dates updated

·         Paragraph 50 of the primary and secondary schemes and paragraph 2 of the secondary scheme have been updated to provide clarity to the schemes 

·         The coordinated schemes will enable the County Council to meet its statutory duties regarding school admissions

·         The coordinated schemes are working well


Supporting documents: