Agenda item

Sustainability and Transformation Plans

Surrey County Council is playing an important role in the development of the three Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) across Surrey. These Plans will play a pivotal role in shaping the future health and care landscape across Surrey.


This report follows the Sustainability and Transformation Plans report presented to the Cabinet on 21 June 2016 – it provides an update on the emerging STPs and asks for delegated authority to sign off the STPs on behalf of the County Council.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Social Care Services Board and/or the Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Board]





That the Cabinet:


1.    noted the update on the emerging NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plans;

2.    approved the terms of reference for, and the County Council’s participation in, the Surrey Heartlands Sustainability and Transformation Plan Committees in Common;

3.    appointed the Chief Executive, the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health and the Strategic Director Adult Social Care and Public Health to Surrey County Council’s Sustainability and Transformation Committee (as part of the Surrey Heartlands STP Committees in Common arrangement) and delegates authority for them to sign off the final Surrey Heartlands Sustainability and Transformation Plan submission and delivery plan; and

4.    delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health, to sign off the Frimley Health and Care and Sussex and East Surrey Sustainability and Transformation Plan submissions and associated delivery plans on behalf of the Council through its membership of the relevant Sustainability and Transformation Plan Transformation / Programme Boards.

Reasons for Decisions


The deadlines and tight timescales for the preparation and submission of NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plans necessitate the recommendation included in this report to delegate authority to sign off the STPs on behalf of the Council ahead of the deadline for submission to NHS England.



An introduction to the report was provided by the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health who outlined that Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP) represent a bid by NHS England to create place-based systems of health and social care delivery. The rationale for STPs was to tackle financial challenges by utilising available resources more effectively while simultaneously introducing local accountability into the delivery of healthcare services which was vital to the establishment of successful STPs. The Cabinet Member stated that there would be three STPs which would operate in Surrey, East Surrey and Sussex STP,  Frimley Heallth and Care STP and Surrey Heartlands STP with the latter covering roughly 80% of Surrey residents. It was highlighted that the Chief Executive of SCC was Chairman of the Surrey Heartlands STP Transformation Board, one of only three local authority Chairman for Transformation Boards across the 44 STP footprints. The Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health further stated that Surrey Heartlands STP had introduced a Committee in Common to facilitate open and transparent decision-making as well as providing the opportunity for residents to challenge decision-makers.


The Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement drew attention to the Ofsted Inspection of SCC’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) service and stated that she had been impressed by the close partnership working between the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG), healthcare providers and the County Council. The Cabinet Member stressed that co-commissioning and close collaboration between health and social care commissioners and providers are at the heart of STPs and this would deliver better outcomes for residents.


The Leader of the Council noted his thanks to the Chief Executive for the work that he had done in supporting CCGS to put STP packages together, particularly Surrey Heartlands STP which had been recognised nationally as a robust plan.





That the Cabinet:


1.    noted the update on the emerging NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plans;

2.    approved the terms of reference for, and the County Council’s participation in, the Surrey Heartlands Sustainability and Transformation Plan Committees in Common;

3.    appointed the Chief Executive, the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health and the Strategic Director Adult Social Care and Public Health to Surrey County Council’s Sustainability and Transformation Committee (as part of the Surrey Heartlands STP Committees in Common arrangement) and delegates authority for them to sign off the final Surrey Heartlands Sustainability and Transformation Plan submission and delivery plan; and

4.    delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health, to sign off the Frimley Health and Care and Sussex and East Surrey Sustainability and Transformation Plan submissions and associated delivery plans on behalf of the Council through its membership of the relevant Sustainability and Transformation Plan Transformation / Programme Boards.


Reasons for Decisions


The deadlines and tight timescales for the preparation and submission of NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plans necessitate the recommendation included in this report to delegate authority to sign off the STPs on behalf of the Council ahead of the deadline for submission to NHS England.



Supporting documents: