Agenda item


Purpose of the report:  Policy Development


To highlight key themes emerging from the Surrey Education in Partnership programme.



Simon Griffin, Programme Manager
Liz Mills,
Assistant Director Schools & Learning
Linda Kemeny,
Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement

Mary Lewis, Cabinet Associate for Children, Schools and Families

Declarations of Interest:


Key points raised in the discussion:


  1. Officers highlighted that this was an interim report on the development phase of the Surrey Education in Partnership (EiP) plan. It was noted that there had been positive feedback in discussions with key stakeholders to date. It was highlighted that school head teachers, local groups and partnerships had been invited to participate in the consultation process.

  2. Officers reported that several key themes were highlighted in discussion with the stakeholders including: school improvement, recruitment, funding plans, governance and partnership development. Officers noted that, during consultation with stakeholders, there had been some tensions identified, which were a consequence of the blurred lines of authority resulting from increased school autonomy and governance changes.

  3. Officers gave the Board assurance that school improvement would remain a requirement after changes to school governance arrangements. It was highlighted that seven “coasting” maintained schools were being targeted as part of the school improvement programme. It was stressed that there was scope for some improvement with regard to school peer support, particularly looking into the option of providing support from Teaching Schools.

  4. It was noted that the recently appointed Assistant Regional Schools Commissioner, Maria Dawes (RSC), was working closely with school governors and that there was a meeting of the Surrey Governors Association which the Assistant RSC was due to attend. It was highlighted that this close working relationship was key to maintaining accountability of schools.

  5. The regional differences between funding for Surrey and the London Boroughs was highlighted as a concern by the Board, noting that Surrey County Council receives £450 less per pupil than average London boroughs. Officers noted that this issue was being queried by the service with central government to find a solution to this.

  6. The Board suggested the need for Officers to engage more closely with Local and Joint Committees. Members explained that they could be useful to work in partnership with and would have strong local connections to schools, as well as being effective at engaging in an advisory and consultative role. Officers agreed that local committees would be a useful source for consultation and partnership and that they would attend meetings of the local committees in future to build a positive working relationship.

  7. Officers noted that consultation with individual schools was key to understanding issues and pressures facing schools. It was also noted that this was useful to building key partnerships and working relationships with those schools. However, Officers pointed out that the service was working to balance the relationship between leadership and support for schools.

Robert Evans left the meeting at 11.17am

  1. The Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement highlighted the work of the Spelthorne Education Partnership, noting that this was a successful partnership that could be emulated elsewhere in Surrey.

  2. The Board queried whether the service worked closely with Area Education Officers and were informed that the Area Education Officers were leading on the consultation process.

  3. Members suggested that Surrey’s independent schools should be included as part of the consultation process and suggested that more work was required in this regard. Officers noted that they were looking into new methods of involving independent schools and would like to see a greater level of engagement from them in consultation.

Margaret Hicks left the meeting at 11.34am


  1. Members asked Officers for details on future plans for the Partnership. Officers informed the Board that a draft Terms of Reference was to be taken to the Partnership Group for comment and approval. Officers also offered to share the draft Terms of Reference, along with feedback from the group.

  2. The Board raised concerns regarding budget pressures for both the Council and its maintained schools. Officers acknowledged that there were budgetary pressures which needed to be worked on and confirmed that Officers were working, with schools, to find the best sustainable solutions.

    Robert Evans returned to the meeting at 11.38am

  3. Members questioned whether the service could offer its financial expertise to schools. Officers noted that the service was looking into ways to potentially deliver this service. However, the Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement noted schools have other options for delivery of this service.


  1. The Board recommends that Officers provide the draft Terms of Reference document, with feedback from the Partnership Group.

  2. The Board recommends that the Surrey Education in Partnership Programme engages with Local Committee Chairmen to determine in what way local committees can assist education in Surrey.


Supporting documents: