Agenda item

EP16/01319/CMA - Ewell Grove Infant and Nursery School, West Street, Ewell, Surrey KT17 1UZ

Expansion of existing 2 FE Infant School with 26 FTE Nursery to a 2 FE Primary School with 26 FTE Nursery to include the demolition of existing nursery, reception and shed buildings and erection of a new Key Stage 1 building on the West Street frontage together with a part two storey and part single storey extension to the existing school building with associated access improvements, amended staff parking, removal of trees, landscaping including new hardstanding and drainage infrastructure.




Dawn Horton-Baker, Senior Planning Officer

Alan Stones, Planning Development Team Manager

Caroline Smith, Transport Development Planning Manager

Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor




John Beckett, the Local Member, made the following points:


1.    The local Member raised concerns about the design aspects of the application and stated that the use of standard eaves would be more sympathetic to the conservation area.

2.    It was highlighted that officers gave a strong case to retain the trees on site but if any trees did have to be removed then new trees should be planted.

3.    He welcomed the restricted hours of operation for the Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and delivery vehicles using the High Street but asked if a condition would be put in place to specify the hours of operation and the days of operation.

4.    He drew attention to the increase of traffic in the area as a result of the application and sought further clarification on how it would be mitigated with a clear travel plan.


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Planning Officer introduced the report and the update sheet tabled at the meeting. It was explained that the site was located within a Conservation Area and within an area of high archaeological potential and that the constraints on the site lead to much pre-negotiation to balance the interests of all identified interests. It was noted that 12 letters of objection had been received that had mostly referred to the traffic implications of the application. Officers outlined a summary of the planning issues of the site in which it was confirmed that there was a strong need for school places in the area. Officers referred to the Local Members comments and agreed that an additional condition would be added regarding the hours of operation of the site.

2.    A Member of the Committee referred to condition 6 of the report and asked if car parking would be available onsite in which officers confirmed that there would be. It was also highlighted that the Local Member’s comments on traffic management were considered in Condition 5 of the report.

3.    Members stressed the importance of safety for pupils who choose to cycle to school and asked what measures would be put in place to increase this.

Officers confirmed that an upgraded crossing would be constructed and that it was officers opinion that it was safe to travel to the site. 

4.    A Member of the Committee sought clarification on condition 13 and asked if it could be amended to include replacement trees to be planted on West Street. Officers confirm that Condition 13 would be amended to include this.


The resolution of the committee was unanimous


That application EP16/01319/CMA - Ewell Grove Infant and Nursery School, West Street, Ewell, Surrey KT17 1UZ was permitted subject to conditions and reasons set out in the report.


Actions/further information to be provided:


1.    To include a condition regarding the hours of operation on the site.

2.    To amend Condition 13 to include replacement trees to be planted on West Street.


Supporting documents: