Agenda item

TA11/1075 - Oxted Sandpit, Barrow Green Road, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 0NJ

The infilling of the former quarry void with inert waste as defined in Regulation 7 (4) of the Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2002, together with any engineering materials necessary to line and cap the site and soils for restoration without compliance with Condition 3 of planning permission ref: TA94/0980/A3 dated 6 June 2007 for a further eight years.




Samantha Murphy, Principal Planning Officer

Alan Stones, Planning Development Team Manager

Caroline Smith, Transport Development Planning Manager

Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor


Key points raised during the discussion:


  1. The Planning Officer introduced the item and informed the Committee of the applications details outlined in the report. It was stated that 10 letters of representation had been received that were specifically in relation to the recent consultation which was covered in the officers report and the update sheet tabled at the meeting. The Committee noted two typos in the report which were in paragraph 72 which referred to a draft section 106 agreement being appended which it should state a ‘draft heads of term’ and in paragraph 95 it writes Sand Martin nests become ‘invested’ when it should state ‘infested’.
  2. Members drew attention to condition 10 which stated that HGV movements would include some Saturdays.   The Planning Officer stated that this was an oversight and that the applicant agreed that there would be no movements on Saturdays. Therefore reference to Saturday HGV movements would be removed from Condition 10.
  3. In response to a Member query it was explained that this site was originally granted permission back in the 1970s and that it was always to be restored to its original state.  All mineral workings have to be reinstated to something appropriate to the area.





  1. That subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a routing agreement for HGV vehicles accessing and egressing Oxted Sandpit, to permit application TA11/1075 - Oxted Sandpit, Barrow Green Road, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 0NJ subject to conditions.   


  1. That the following changes to conditions, as stated in the submitted report be amended:

·         Reference to Saturday HGV movements would be removed from Condition 10

·         That Condition 13 stipulates the hours and days of operation for maintenance.

·         That Condition 26 be amended to include damage to existing nests.



Actions/further information to be provided:




Supporting documents: