Agenda item

Surrey Better Care Fund 2017-19

The Surrey Better Care Fund Plan 2017-19 is being submitted to the Surrey Health & Wellbeing Board for approval before submission to NHS England in accordance with the deadline of 11 September 2017.


Declarations of interest:






Andre Lotz, Project Manager, Surrey County Council


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.     Officers introduced the item and informed members that upon signing off the Better Care Fund (BCF) at the meeting, it would be submitted to NHS England on 11 September 2017. Members were presented with a presentation outlining the gross contributions into the BCF for 2017/18 & 2018/19 and were further informed that the BCF proposal met national requirements. Members were given further details of the BCF proposal which were outlined in the report.

2.     Members sought clarification on whether Surrey County Council would retain any of the Disability Facilities Grant or whether this will all be distributed to district & borough councils. Officers understood this was the case but agreed to confirm and circulate after the meeting.


Actions/ further information to be provided:


1.   Officers to provide confirmation on whether SCC will circulate the entirety of its Disability Facilities Grant to district & borough councils (Action Ref: A21/17)




It was agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board approves the Surrey Better Care Fund Plan 2017-19, enabling its submission to NHS England (NHSE) and the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG). The Plan includes:

            i.           Surrey BCF Narrative plan

           ii.           Surrey BCF Plan Template

          iii.           Surrey BCF Delayed Transfers of Care trajectory plan

         iv.           Surrey BCF Local narrative plans

           v.           Surrey BCF Local High Impact Change model action plans

         vi.           Surrey BCF Risk Log

        vii.           Surrey BCF South East Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Summary for assurance process


Supporting documents: