Agenda item


The Buckinghamshire County Council and Surrey County Council Trading Standards Service Joint Committee is asked to note the performance of the service for the third quarter of the financial year (from October 2016-December 2016) and since April 2016. The information provided covers performance against seven high level indicators and in relation to the service budget.


The information provided shows that:


a)    Overall the Service is performing well and is delivering excellent results against key performance indicators.

b)    It is projected that the service budget will be under spent at outturn, achieving all the savings projected in the Business Case for the shared service and exceeding income generation targets for the year.

The Joint Committee is asked to agree the Performance Indicators about which it wishes to receive information in the year 2016/17 and to endorse the revised joint service budget, with the addition of further savings over and above those previously agreed for the joint service.



Declarations of interest:






Steve Ruddy, Head of Trading Standards, Buckinghamshire County Council and Surrey County Council Joint Trading Standards Service

Amanda Poole, Assistant Head of Trading Standards, Buckinghamshire County Council and Surrey County Council Joint Trading Standards Service

Phil Dart, Service Director for Communities, Buckinghamshire County Council

Andy Tink, Senior Principal Accountant, Surrey County Council


Key points from the discussion:


  1. Officers introduced the item and summarised for Members the performances relating to each Key Performance Indicator (KPI) from Annex 1 of the report. Relating to KTP 1, an updated annex was tabled at the meeting and attached to these minutes which updated the compensation and savings figures. A further £250,000 had been secured in compensation for victims and a further £160,000 in direct savings for residents had been achieved to date in the 4th quarter. Members stressed their appreciation to officers as these savings would not have been achieved without the work of the Trading Standards team. In particular in one Financial Investigation in excess of £100,000 had been recouped from the perpetrator and repaid to the Adult Social Care service which had been the victim of the scam, in addition to compensation paid to both DWP and to Reigate and Banstead Borough Council.  Officers went on to make clear that the service would always prioritise compensation back to the victims. Members noted that the vast majority of compensation had been obtained under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.
  2. Members discussed KPI 3 in the report and noted that the Trading Standards Twitter account had received over 300,000 impressions during a 91 day period. Members made clear that it was excellent to see that the Twitter account was having an impact on residents by raising awareness of scams, rogue traders and unsafe products. A Member of the Committee sought clarification on the number of volunteers that had signed up to assist with Trading Standards projects.  Officers confirmed that the number of volunteers had increased but could not give the exact figure. It was agreed for details to be circulated after the meeting.
  3. Officers asked the Committee to note that the figure showing the year to date total income linked to Primary Authority Partnerships in KPI 4 was now over £140,000.
  4. A discussion took place around the WorkPlace Wellbeing Charter (WWC) which officers described as a scheme to encourage organisations to publicise health and wellbeing in the workplace. Members stressed that it was very important for Surrey and Buckinghamshire County Council to have a coordinated approach when supporting this scheme as each County Council would need to have a positive internal environment before promoting it to other organisations. It was agreed that the WWC for Surrey and Buckinghamshire County Council be circulated to the Committee.
  5. Members highlighted that it was important to present information clearly in the report as it was a public facing document and asked that officers considered this further in the future.
  6. Members had a discussion on the mitigation techniques for preventing illegal and unsafe products from entering the County. Officers explained that Trading Standards had various methods which included working closely with the Border Force and Customs to monitor and detect these illegal items and confiscate if necessary. Members also noted that Trading Standards worked with various importing organisations by providing advice and expertise on identifying unsafe products.
  7. Members stressed the importance of having a strong relationship with the Police and the joint benefits of working together. After discussion it was asked that once the Q4 figures are available, a report be sent to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner highlighting work being done by Trading Standards to prevent crime and disorder.
  8. Members were provided with a brief financial update which confirmed that Trading Standards had achieved a £100,000 under spend for the current year. Members noted that in terms of savings that the partnership between Buckinghamshire County Council and Surrey County Council was in a healthy place with a positive outlook.

Actions/ further information to be provided:


  1. A2/17 - For details of the number of volunteers in Trading Standards to be circuited to the  Joint Committee
  2. A3/17 - For an update on progress with the the Workplace Wellbeing Charter to be circulated to the Joint Committee.
  3. A4/17 – When the Q4 performance figures were available for  a report to be sent to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner highlighting work being done to prevent crime and disorder.




that the Buckinghamshire County Council and Surrey County Joint Trading Standards Service Committee agree to:


  1. note the Service’s performance.
  2. agree the Performance Indicators for 2017/18.
  3. agree the revised joint service budget to include additional savings over and above those previously agreed


Supporting documents: