Agenda item

MINERALS/WASTE RU.16/1960 - Addlestone Quarry, National Grid Entrance, Byfleet Road, New Haw, Surrey KT15 3LAz

The use of land for the importation of construction, demolition and excavation (C, D & E) waste and the siting of an aggregate recycling facility, involving the placement of mobile crushing and screening plant to enable the recovery of recycled aggregates for sale and export, for a temporary period until 31 December 2020. (retrospective)


The application is for the use of part of the existing aggregate plant site area for the siting and operation of an aggregate recycling facility (ARF), for a temporary period until 31 December 2020. The facility will be used to recycle construction, demolition and excavation (CD&E) waste, involving the mobile crushing and screening plant to enable the recovery of recycled aggregates for sale and export, with the residual inert waste used for the restoration of the quarry.





Stephen Jenkins, Deputy Planning Development Manager

Caroline Smith, Transport Development Planning Manager

Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor



Jean Parry, a Local resident, made the following points:


1.    Concerns were raised over the volume of waste being stockpiled and exported from the site. Attention was also brought to the two mounds of waste which were said to be seen from Byfleet Road and had not been identified in the current application.

2.    The resident requested clarification on why 300,000 tones of waste would be brought onto the site over a three year period when only 90,000 tones would be used for infill.


Vilna Walsh, the applicant’s agent, made the following points in response:


1.    It was confirmed that the activities to the north of the quarry were being progressed in accordance with the wider quarry permission and that the Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) movements were well within the permitted cap. It was further confirmed that noise and air quality assessments had been competed in consultation with Surrey County Council consultants.

2.    The applicant’s agent highlighted the environmental advantages of the application and stated that they believe special circumstances for the application had been shown.


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    Officers introduced the report and informed Members that the application was for the use of part of the existing aggregate plant site area for the siting and operation of an aggregate recycling facility (ARF) for a temporary period until 31 December 2020. Further details of the application were outlined where it was highlighted that objections had been raised by residents relating to traffic, noise, air quality, contamination and visual impact. Runnymede Borough Council had raised no objection. Members noted a typo on Condition 5 of the report which should state ‘on a 5.5 day average’.

2.    The Committee sought clarification on Condition 2 of the report as it was not seen to be clearly outlining the restoration date for the site. Officers confirmed that the approved restoration date for the site was 31 December 2020.

3.    Members referenced the local resident’s concerns on the height of the stockpiles contained on the site and asked if they were in accordance with the current planning permission. Officers stated that there was no agreed height limit for stockpiles as it had not been suggested from a technical point of view but stockpile height would be taken into consideration when addressing basic quarry safety measures.

4.    The Committee discussed the levels of noise and dust and asked if equipment would be kept onsite to measure how much was produced. It was stated that equipment was not kept onsite but if any complaints were received then an assessor would review the site and ensure that the levels were kept within agreed limits.


The resolution of the Committee was unanimous





That application MINERALS/WASTE RU.16/1960  - Addlestone Quarry, National Grid Entrance, Byfleet Road, New Haw, Surrey KT15 3LA be permitted subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the report.


Actions/further information to be provided:




Supporting documents: