Agenda item


To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68.  Notice should be given in writing or by e-mail to the Partnership Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting.  Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


Two new petitions have been received and an officer response is provided:


(a) Felcott Road, Hersham – Request for residents parking permits


(b) Steels Lane, Oxshott – Request for pedestrian crossing


An officer response is also provided to the petition received at the last meeting:


(c) The Triangle, Weybridge – Request for traffic management measures


That the Local Committee [Elmbridge] agreed:


(a)   Felcott Road, Hersham

(i)    That the petition request be considered as part of the parking review taking place in Walton and Hersham, the results of which will be brought to the next meeting of the Committee for consideration.


(b)   Steels Lane, Oxshott


(ii)   That the Sustainable Travel Team be asked to review the area in the vicinity of The Royal Kent Church of England Primary School and contact the school as necessary to discuss the various initiatives available and the need for a safety assessment.

(iii)  Following this assessment, that consideration be given to adding this area to the list of road safety outside schools schemes in paragraph 2.11 of Item 11 of this agenda for a feasibility study to be carried out to assess options.


(c)   The Triangle, Weybridge


(iii)  That the wider Triangle area, as well as Pine Grove, be included on the list of potential schemes maintained for the Committee and reviewed with consideration to funding and priorities when funding becomes available.

(iv)  That, pending any wider scheme, consideration be given to the installation of advisory signs to discourage the use of this area by non-essential HGVs, subject to costs and availability of funding.


Reasons: To consider and take forward where appropriate the issues raised in the petitions submitted to the Local Committee.





Declarations of Interest: None


Officers attending: Peter Shimadry, Senior Traffic Engineer


Petitions, Public Questions/Statements: 3 petitions were received


Petition (a) – Matt Moore outlined the issues in Felcott Road and the impact on local residents many of whom have no off-street parking and young children.  He requested a similar scheme to that in place in West Grove.


Petition (b) – Ruth Burns outlines the difficulties in crossing Steels Lane, which although not in the immediate vicinity of the school is used by many parents and children.  There is evidence of a number of near misses, although fortunately none have been serious so far.  Parking restrictions in the area had been tightened recently with the idea that parents would park away from the school area and cross at this junction. She welcomed the suggestion of working with the Sustainable Travel Team as a first step towards finding a solution.


Petition (c) – Dr Alan Wright presented the petition.  He expressed his disappointment in the officer response.  He accepted that there may not be a complete solution available, but felt that signs advising that the area is not suitable for HGVs and 20mph signs would improve the situation as a relatively low cost first step and that further work should be done to look at the options available. 


There was no indication of any further public questions or statements so the Committee moved to debate the options.


Member Discussion – key points


Petition (a) - Members suggested that a restriction should be considered for all day rather than an hour given that many of the people parking in this area are not commuters and that Felcott Close should be included.  It was noted that there is a public car park near by which has capacity for more vehicles.


Petition (b) – Members were supportive of the petition.  However, it was recognised that the current budget situation may limit the opportunities for substantial work in the area.


Petition (c) – Members were supportive of the petition and recognised the issues in the area.  It was noted that there are yellow lines due to be put in place shortly and it would be useful to evaluate whether speeds increase in the area as a result as parked cars currently act to slow vehicles.  The Senior Traffic Engineer commented that it would not be difficult and costly to ban HGVs from the area, but advisory signs may be appropriate.  The speed management policy currently requires traffic calming to be installed before a 20mph limit can be put in place unless mean speeds are already close to 20mph.  It was noted that funding is not currently available for a feasibility study, but that the area could be considered if funding becomes available.




(a)   Felcott Road, Hersham

(i)    That the petition request be considered as part of the parking review taking place in Walton and Hersham, the results of which will be brought to the next meeting of the Committee for consideration.


(b)   Steels Lane, Oxshott


(ii)   That the Sustainable Travel Team be asked to review the area in the vicinity of The Royal Kent Church of England Primary School and contact the school as necessary to discuss the various initiatives available and the need for a safety assessment.

(iii)  Following this assessment, that consideration be given to adding this area to the list of road safety outside schools schemes in paragraph 2.11 of Item 11 of this agenda for a feasibility study to be carried out to assess options.


(c)   The Triangle, Weybridge


(iii)  That the wider Triangle area, as well as Pine Grove, be included on the list of potential schemes maintained for the Committee and reviewed with consideration to funding and priorities when funding becomes available.

(iv)  That, pending any wider scheme, consideration be given to the installation of advisory signs to discourage the use of this area by non-essential HGVs, subject to costs and availability of funding.


Reasons: To consider and take forward where appropriate the issues raised in the petitions submitted to the Local Committee.




Supporting documents: