Agenda item

SP17/00113/SCC - Stanwell Recycling, Stanwell Quarry, Stanwell Moor Road, Stanwell

Retention of an existing recycling operation on a site of some 5.3ha for the processing of construction and demolition waste for the production of restoration materials for use in the former Stanwell Quarry and recycled aggregates for export for a period of 10 years with restoration of the recycling site to agriculture.




Dustin Lees, Senior Planning Officer

Caroline Smith, Transport Development Planning Manager

Alan Stones, Planning Development Team Manager

Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor


Two  update sheets were provided for Members at the meeting, which are attached to the minutes. The meeting was adjourned at 11.51 for nine minutes to allow for Members to read the information given.


The Chairman resolved to combine the discussion of items 9 and 10 due to the interconnected nature of the proposals.


Key points raised during the discussion:


  1. Officers introduced the plan for the retention of an existing recycling operation on a site for the processing of construction and demolition waste and the restoration of the recycling site to agriculture. It was also highlighted that completion of the restoration of the site would take approximately 10 years, with a partial completion and public site access completed in approximately five years.

  2. Officers noted that objections to the application were primarily relating to the length of time that the application was taking to complete. It was also noted that Spelthorne Borough Council issued a strong objection to the proposal based on the length of time taken to complete the proposal, the need to secure parkland and nature conservation restoration and the ensure there was public access created in areas referred to in the proposal. Officers stressed that, while there was frustration from the service with relation to the time taken to complete the project, the site could not be left unrestored and there was a requirement to complete the work to an appropriate standard.

3.    Officers explained that they would engage with Spelthorne Borough Council regarding the detailed and timed phased restoration plan to be secured by condition and that the 25-year Management Plan would be secured by a revised s106 legal agreement.


  1. It was noted by officers that the recycling development was a temporary use of the land with the eventual aim of restoring and preserving the openness of the Green Belt area.

  2. Members raised some concerns regarding the potential for Heathrow Airport expansion into the restored quarry area. Officers stressed that any interest expressed by Heathrow Airport into the site was provisional and that this did not guarantee expansion into the site. It was also noted that the potential for these plans should not outweigh the requirement to restore the area.

  3. Members questioned the accountability of the applicant in proposal REF. SP17/00118/SCC and queried what accountability for non-compliance could be guaranteed after the failure to meet the conditions outlined in the proposal ref: SP10/0594 in October 2011. Officers noted that future applications would have the requirement for conditions and detailed timescales to be submitted, but that there was no provision in place for financial penalties for non-compliance. It was, however, noted that the site would be regularly monitored and that enforcement action could be taken if the project was deemed to be non-compliant with required timescales.

  4. Members questioned whether the work could be undertaken in a more timely fashion than currently outlined. Officers noted that the current metrics used by the applicant were accurate and that work would take the allotted 10 years to complete. It was stressed that an unrealistic timescale should not be employed in order to manage expectations and ensure the project was completed to a reasonable quality.

8.    Officers noted that the site development outlined in the proposal offered significant benefits. While it was noted that there would be some disturbance from Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), it was noted that there would be a progressive restoration of the site, which would mitigate this issue to some extent.

The Resolution of the Committee was unanimous



That the application is that planning application Ref. SP17/00113/SCC be permitted subject to conditions laid out in the report.


Actions/further information to be provided:



Supporting documents: