Agenda item

SCMPB Exec and Task Group Update

SCMPB Exec Priorities (attached)


Recognise and Remember Task Group

·         Headley Court Freedom Parade

·         Armed Forces Champion Job Description

·         Wray Park Designated War Memorial

·         Audit of Surrey Armed Forces Covenant

·         VC 100 - Leatherhead


Community Integration Task Group

·         Update following workshop held on 2 October 2017


·         Exec Priorities – A RAG status has been added to the priorities agreed at the last meeting, and progress made was noted.

·         Recognise and Remember Task Group – Brig Paul Evans updated on the work of this group which is especially important going in to 2018.

o   Headley Court Farewell Parade (29 Sept 2017) was a huge success with HRH Countess of Wessex as the Royal VIP backed up by the Band of the Household Cavalry. It was very well attended.

o   Armed Forces Champions – Job Description has been updated and re-circulated

o   Audit of Surrey’s Armed Forces Covenant – a draft will be complete by the end of October.  Once agreed by the Chairman it will be given to Lt-Gen Nugee by Brig Evans and the Chairman as a good practice case study.

o   Fire Service Memorial Service – A dedication event was due to take place 30 October 2017 at Surrey Fire and Rescue Service HQ in Reigate to commemorate 101 members of the fire service who lost their lives in WW1 and WW2 whilst on active service with the Military. 

o   VC100 Ceremony in honour of Lieutenant Harold Auten VC DSC RD who was in command of a Q ship – HMS Stock Force took place in Leatherhead on 7 October 2017. It was well attended with Vice Admiral Peter Dunt CB DL presiding on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant.  The Carpenter family were very moved.

o   Surrey History Centre – the project to map war memorials across Surrey is going well.  Cadets are now actively helping with this.


·         Community Integration Workshop – 2 October 2017

The regular Task Group has been put on hold as it has made good progress and it was felt that it was time to review the outstanding needs.  A workshop was held with Task Force Commanders representatives, Welfare Officers and officers from Housing, Education, Early Years and Health in October.  Some of the issues raised included:

o   Employment – there are fewer service leavers than a few years ago.  Surrey is too expensive for most of those who do leave. 95% of service leavers find employment within six months.

o   Spousal employment – is a tricky area. A skills fair is being organised at Pirbright by 11 Brigade focussing on softer skills based on research carried out by the Children’s Centre.

o   Housing – this area has been successful and any new issues are being dealt with on a case by case basis.  There is a need to encourage those thinking of leaving service to look ahead and plan financially. Housing may become more important in 10 years with new pension arrangements coming in to play.  A lump sum will no longer be offered up front, which had previously often been used as a down payment. It was felt that Rushmoor’s Policy was not quite as good as Surrey’s. Action: Peter Bruinvels to share best practice.

o   Some challenges were raised regarding spouses whose partner had served overseas for many years when returning home eg no credit rating. 

o   Education – Admissions side is working very well. Attainment discussed earlier in agenda. 

o   Health / welfare – The bid for funding for a part time Armed Forces Lead across all CCGs was unsuccessful. Each CCG now has an Armed Forces Champion who meet quarterly. 

o   Domestic Abuse and Prevent – It was agreed to link the Army in with the Surrey DA perpetrator scheme and local Prevent awareness training.

o   Debt – There is some problems with financial management among young soldiers.  It was suggested that advice given ‘behind the wire’, but outside the army hierarchy might be better taken up.  ‘Advice on the Run’ scheme is applying for Covenant funding to support this area – through first round. Major Carol Miller suggested Michael Cannon meet with organisations already working within Pirbright as they have good uptake from all levels.


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