Agenda item


The Buckinghamshire County Council and Surrey County Council Trading Standards Service Joint Committee is asked to note the performance of the service for financial year from April 2016 to March 2017.


Declarations of interest:






Steve Ruddy, Head of Trading Standards, Buckinghamshire County Council and Surrey County Council Joint Trading Standards Service


Amanda Poole, Deputy Head of Trading Standards, Buckinghamshire County Council and Surrey County Council Joint Trading Standards Service


Phil Dart, Service Director for Communities, Buckinghamshire County Council


Andy Tink, Senior Principal Accountant, Surrey County Council


Key points from the discussion:


1.    Officers introduced the report and provided a summary for each Key Performance Indicator (KPI) which was outlined in the report. Members noted that although this report covered the entirety of the previous financial year, future updates would be six monthly. It was further noted that the National Audit Office had stated that the absence of national KPIs for Trading Standards was not optimal and that the Association of Chief Trading Standards Officers were in the process of looking into the development of national KPIs.  

2.    In regards to KPI 7, a discussion was had relating to partnership working with residents at ‘street level’ in order to provide community care and protection to the most vulnerable. Members said this was significant benefit to residents and should be explored further.

3.    A Member of the Committee raised a query relating to registrars’ information (I.e. births and deaths) and if this would be shared with Trading Standards. Officers stated that there was a national scheme titled ‘Tell Us Once’ which aimed to share this information with the appropriate services, but this information could not be shared with Trading Standard without consent.

4.    Members of the Committee discussed the work being done to alleviate the issue of Modern Slavery in Buckinghamshire and asked what equivalent services were in place in Surrey. Further discussion was had where it was confirmed that Trading Standards Officers were alert to identify potential cases, but did not work specifically with prevention. However, it was noted that officers worked closely with Community Safety Teams and the police to ensure that instances that were suspected were dealt with appropriately.

5.    Members questioned whether it was possible to separate the individual KPIs to identify the difference between Surrey and Buckinghamshire County Council. Officers stated that although it would be possible for some figures, it would not be appropriate to separate the indicators in most cases.

6.    Officers confirmed that, as of August 2017, there had been a projected service budget underspend of approximately 2%. It was further confirmed that the service were on track to meet the target savings of 27% which was outlined in Annex 2 of the report. The retention of staff was said to be a challenge and had partially lead to the savings within the service. It was also noted that, as a result of the challenge in staff retention, that there was a possibility that potential income from the service was also lower.

7.    Members requested that the Cabinet of both authorities work to safeguard funding for the joint service budget.The Cabinet Members of both authorities noted that the authorities were facing acute financial pressures. A further budget discussion would take place at the next Board meeting where the financial pressures for 18/19 would be clearer. 

8.    Members thanked Officers for the work they had done to meet each KPI.


Actions/ further information to be provided:


A6/17 - That the service provide a budget report relating to any contingencies for potential savings proposals within the service.



The Trading Standards Joint Committee agreed to:


1.    Note the service’s performance


2.    Note the service’s current financial position.


Supporting documents: