Agenda item


Purpose of the report: To agree how the Select Committee should be engaged in developing Surreys Single Use Plastic Policy and Strategy.


Declarations of interest:



Sarah Kershaw, Directorate Alignment Manager
Mike Goodman, Cabinet Member for Environment
Jason Russell, Deputy Director Environment & Infrastructure
Lesley Harding, Head of Place Development

Key points raised in the discussion:

  1. Officers outlined the impetus for the creation of a single use plastics policy, highlighting the motion of Full Council in March 2018 to tackle the prevalence of single use plastics in Surrey. Members noted that there was wide ranging political support for the resolution of this issue as a result of this. It was stressed that the Council needed to lead by example on this issue.

  2. It was highlighted that the strategy was planned in two separate phases: Phase One of the plan was clarified as being the strategy to tackle single use plastics within the organisation of Surrey County Council. Phase Two of the plan was aimed to be a wider Surrey strategy. Officers noted that the expected timescale for completion of Phase One was October 2018.

  3. The Committee expressed the need for additional impetus on this project and stressed the requirement to engage with the project with as much alacrity as possible. Officers noted that work had been undertaken to analyse “quick wins” which had immediate effects. It was also highlighted that scoping work had been undertaken with departments in Surrey County Council and that officers had been approached through internal forum to identify additional ideas. The Cabinet Member stressed that the Council motion was quite recent and that there had been significant amounts of work undertaken in a relatively short space of time which emphasised the political impetus and importance of this issue for officers and Members.

  4. Officers noted that there were wider implications which needed to be considered when undertaking this project, noting that there were some difficulties in removing plastics in some areas, due to statutory requirements and unforeseen cost implications. It was also noted that there may be some unforeseen costs that would be analysed as part of Phase One.

  5. Members questioned whether there had been a project manager appointed for this project and how much that this would cost the Council. Members also questioned the resources available to the service to undertake this task.  Officers noted that there was an available resource of £30,000 for a project manager and also identify other wider costs for this project. The Cabinet Member for Environment noted that there was a need to recruit good people to manage a project of this nature to ensure a successful conclusion.

  6. Members noted that it could work with partners to gather knowledge and ideas, noting that some partners would have already available resource and ideas. Members also questioned whether the service had talked with partners and schools to determine what they are doing and offer suggestions.  It was stressed that there was an important need to work with schools and partners.

  7. Members suggested that there would need to be a strong communications campaign in order to change attitudes on this issue, noting that there was a need for a culture change in how single use plastic is perceived and utilised, particularly as part of Phase Two. Officers explained that an external communications campaign was currently in development and aimed to link with partners to achieve this in the long term.

  8. Members suggested that there could be incentives to officers as part of Phase One to encourage the culture change away from single use plastics. Members proposed that the organisation could look at the potential of working with partners to provide multiple use cups and mugs to officers to encourage this culture change. It was also suggested that this could include Surrey County Council branding to promote multi-use cups across the county and encourage culture change.

  9. Officers noted that there was a milestone action plan being developed as part of phase one which would include timescales and thresholds of success for the project.

  10. It was suggested by the Committee that the service could work to benchmark and incorporate the work of other authorities, partners and commercial organisations that have undertaken any similar project. Members also suggested the potential to be host to a workshop event with partners and other organisations to share good practice on this.

  11. Members questioned whether there were any contractual arrangements that were slowing down schemes to reduce single use plastics in the organisation.

  12. The Committee asked whether there was a potential to appoint officer champions for single-use plastics throughout the organisation to promote change.

  13. Members questioned whether they had received any confirmation or direction from the Secretary of State for Environment following the letter sent by the Cabinet Member for Environment. The Cabinet Member noted that he was awaiting response from the Secretary of State and noted that a response could open further opportunities


That the Environment and Infrastructure Select Committee:

  1. Supports the development of the policy over the next few months by forming a Member Reference Group;

  2. That officers continue to communicate with schools and partners and other authorities as part of the development of an action plan;

  3. That officers incorporate into the timeline for Phase One plans to undertake benchmarking and learning exercises with other authorities, partners and local businesses with an aim to feedback, incorporate and share ideas;

  4. That the committee receive a brief update report in six months regarding progress of phase one and future plans.


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