The Committee is asked to monitor progress on the implementation of recommendations from previous meetings and to review its forward work programme.
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Chairman informed the Committee that she had spoken with the Chairman of the Overview and Budget Scrutiny Committee to consider the inclusion of the digital strategy on the Committee's forward work programme. It was agreed that the implementation of the digital strategy was within the remit of the Committee. The Chairman proposed for this to be added to the Committee's forward work programme for June.
2. The Cabinet Member explained that he had met with the Head of Strategy and Engagement and Chief Information Officer to consider what the next practical steps were for increased digitalisation across services within the county. The Chairman added that how digitalisation translates into the betterment of front line services interacting with the public would be of particular interest to the Committee.
3. The Cabinet Member stated that by June officers would be able to set out the vision for the digital strategy and a road map of work that has been completed to date.
4. A Member queried where the county was in relation to other authorities in terms of digitalisation. The Cabinet Member stated that Surrey was ahead of many other authorities including East Sussex and Brighton and Hove. It was further added that the Pensions service had introduced a robot to support processing work.
5. It was agreed to include an update on the Orbis business plan and Orbis Public Law business plan to the forward work programme.
6. The Chairman agreed that temporary staff appointments would be reviewed as part of the agency staffing item scheduled for June 2018. This would be clarified in the forward work programme.
7. A Member of the Committee stated the importance of Members having the opportunity to review emergency plans in emergency incidents. The Chairman explained that a training exercise had been organised with the Local Resilience Forum (LRF) on 15 May which would enable members an opportunity to witness emergency plans first hand.
8. It was queried if an update from Property Services could be included on the Committee's forward work programme. The Chairman explained that two property workshops had been organised. At these workshops it had been agreed that divisional property lists would be shared with Members. Members would then have the opportunity to comment on these lists. The Cabinet Member stated that property lists were ready to be sent out to Members. The roll-out of the lists would be phased by district and borough so feedback could be managed appropriately. Members were asked to check lists for accuracy and also give feedback on the usage of buildings. The Cabinet Member was of the view that by the summer the service would be in a position to feedback on what had been achieved. The Chairman further added that it would also be helpful to receive an update on the People and Places Strategy and how this links with the transformation agenda. It was agreed that a property report would tentatively be added to the forward work programme for June.
9. A Member of the Committee stated that it was important that digital inclusion in respect of adult social care services be considered by the Adults and Health Select Committee. The Chairman agreed for the Committee's support officer to discuss this matter with the Adults and Health Select Committee support officer.
10. The Cabinet Member clarified that the Select Committee would be the first group of Members to receive divisional property lists.
· For an item on the implementation of the digital strategy to be added to the Committee's forward work programme for June 2018.
· For an update on the Orbis business plan and Orbis Public Law business plan to be added to the forward work programme for June 2018.
· For a property progress report including an update on the people and places strategy to be tentatively added to the forward work programme for June 2018.
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