Agenda item


This report seeks local committee approval of the formal advertisement of the county council’s intention to make changes to on-street parking restrictions .




The Local Committee (Reigate and Banstead) resolved to agree:


(i) The county council’s intention to introduce the proposals in Annex 1 is formally advertised, and subject to statutory consultation.

(ii) That if necessary, adjustments can be made to the proposals by the parking team manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-chairman and divisional member prior to advertisement.

(iii) That if no objections are received when the proposals are advertised, the traffic regulation orders are made.

(iv) That if there are unresolved objections, they are dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of the committee and the divisional member.

(v) That if necessary the parking team manager will report the objections back to the local committee for resolution



Changes to the highway network, the built environment and society mean that  parking behaviour changes and consequently it is necessary for a highway

authority to carry out regular reviews of waiting and parking restrictions on the highway network. It is recommended that the waiting restrictions in this report are progressed as they will help to:

• Improve road safety

• Increase access for emergency vehicles

• Help residents park nearer their homes

• improve access to shops, facilities and businesses

• Increase access for refuse vehicles, buses and service vehicles

• Ease traffic congestion

• Better control parking


Declarations of Interest: None


Officers attending: Rikki Hill, Parking Project Team Leader


Petitions, Statements: None


Public Question: One



Borough Councillor Schofield joined the meeting.


Member discussion – key points


1.    For the benefit of the public present the Chairman stressed that the officer’s report was seeking committee approval to advertise the proposals for changes to on-street parking measures. At that point members of the public would be allowed to submit their comments or objections as part of the formal consultation.


2.    Members raised queries on a number of specific schemes and requested that consideration be given to their suggestions and where possible, changes made before the proposals were advertised.



3.    Officers agreed to discuss proposals with members further before advertising the Traffic Regulation Order.


4.    The Chairman invited Mr MacMillan (Reigate Heath Residents Association) to put his question. He wanted to know whether Surrey County Council had the powers to impose temporary, enforceable parking restrictions. In particular he wanted to highlight the congestion in Flanchford Road, which had been made worse by vehicles from the construction site in West Street. Officers explained that the council did have the necessary authority, but the introduction of any new measure had costs attached. For this reason the parking review was used as a cost-effective mechanism for handling a large number of changes at one time.



5.    Members raised concerns over whether there would be adequate enforcement of the new measures. The Chairman advised the Committee that powers were currently being transferred to the Reigate & Banstead JET team to enable them to carry out more enforcement duties which would also cover obstruction and dangerous parking offences.


6.    In light of the issues raised by members the Chairman set a deadline of 19 December 2017 for members to have reviewed the proposals for their area and discussed any changes with the Parking Project Team Leader.





The Local Committee (Reigate and Banstead) resolved to agree:


(i) The county council’s intention to introduce the proposals in Annex 1 is formally advertised, and subject to statutory consultation.

(ii) That if necessary, adjustments can be made to the proposals by the parking team manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-chairman and divisional member prior to advertisement.

(iii) That if no objections are received when the proposals are advertised, the traffic regulation orders are made.

(iv) That if there are unresolved objections, they are dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of the committee and the divisional member.

(v) That if necessary the parking team manager will report the objections back to the local committee for resolution



Changes to the highway network, the built environment and society mean that  parking behaviour changes and consequently it is necessary for a highway

authority to carry out regular reviews of waiting and parking restrictions on the highway network. It is recommended that the waiting restrictions in this report are progressed as they will help to:

• Improve road safety

• Increase access for emergency vehicles

• Help residents park nearer their homes

• Improve access to shops, facilities and businesses

• Increase access for refuse vehicles, buses and service vehicles

• Ease traffic congestion

• Better control parking

Supporting documents: