Agenda item


This report seeks authority from the Local Committee to make amendments to Traffic Orders in Horley town centre, as part of proposals to facilitate public realm improvements in the town’s pedestrian precinct


The Local Committee (Reigate & Banstead) resolved to agree:


(i) Two dedicated loading bays be provided on High Street and Consort Way, and two disabled parking bays be relocated from High Street to Albert Road, as shown on Drawing Numbers SP0030-003 and SP0030-004.


(ii) The High Street, Horley (Part) Prohibition of Driving and One – Way Traffic Order 1991 and its 2000 amendment be modified to provide loading at any time in marked bays for goods vehicles only, and for the one-way order to exclude cyclists.


(iii) The Traffic Regulation Order on Consort Way to the rear of properties 1-7High Street be modified to provide dedicated loading at any time in marked bays.


And resolved to:


(iv) To amend the proposed Traffic Regulation Order to relocate the two existing disabled bays on the southern side of High Street near the junction of Albert Road as shown on Plan SP0030-004 to a new position on Albert Road, if required following a detailed statutory services survey.


And agreed to:


(v) Authorise the advertisement of notice in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to implement the proposals

in recommendations (i) to (iv), revoke any existing traffic orders necessary to implement the changes, and subject to no objections being upheld, that

the order be made.


(vi) Authorise delegation of authority to the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and the local Divisional Member to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposals, and if objections cannot be resolved to either, set aside the objections, or make any necessary amendments to the wording of the order and any necessary alterations to Drawing Numbers SP0030-003 and/or SP0030-004.




To facilitate improved loading arrangements for local businesses and improved disabled parking, as part of a public realm improvement scheme in the pedestrian

precinct in High Street (also known as Princess Precinct), Horley.


Declarations of Interest: None


Officers attending: Zena Curry, Area Highway Manager


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None




Member discussion – key points

1.    Members were supportive of the improvements to be made to the Princess precinct to make it more useable.


2.    The re-location of the disabled bays will also necessitate the removal of a large established fig tree and the divisional member for Horley West, Salfords & Sidlow would like to see this also moved to a new site. The Horley Regeneration Manager was likely to welcome the suggestion and there were already plans to re-site other items such as the mosaic.


3.    The divisional member for Horley East also expressed support for the investment in the town centre but was concerned that having no restrictions on vehicles loading and unloading would inconvenience pedestrians.


4.    Members discussed the difficulties in balancing the wishes of local businesses to have more flexibility to load/unload and the potential inconvenience it might cause shoppers. They decided that priority should be given to the pedestrians using the precinct.


5.    The meeting was adjourned for a short recess while clarification was sought on recommendation (ii) in light of paragraph 2.2.


6.    When the meeting reconvened members agreed the recommendations but requested there be further consultation on restricting loading/unloading times.







The Local Committee (Reigate & Banstead) resolved to agree:


(i) Two dedicated loading bays be provided on High Street and Consort Way, and two disabled parking bays be relocated from High Street to Albert Road, as shown on Drawing Numbers SP0030-003 and SP0030-004.


(ii) The High Street, Horley (Part) Prohibition of Driving and One – Way Traffic Order 1991 and its 2000 amendment be modified to provide loading at any time in marked bays for goods vehicles only, and for the one-way order to exclude cyclists.


(iii) The Traffic Regulation Order on Consort Way to the rear of properties 1-7High Street be modified to provide dedicated loading at any time in marked bays.


And resolved to:


(iv) To amend the proposed Traffic Regulation Order to relocate the two existing disabled bays on the southern side of High Street near the junction of Albert Road as shown on Plan SP0030-004 to a new position on Albert Road, if required following a detailed statutory services survey.


And agreed to:


(v) Authorise the advertisement of notice in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to implement the proposals

in recommendations (i) to (iv), revoke any existing traffic orders necessary to implement the changes, and subject to no objections being upheld, that

the order be made.


(vi) Authorise delegation of authority to the Parking Strategy and Implementation Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and the local Divisional Member to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposals, and if objections cannot be resolved to either, set aside the objections, or make any necessary amendments to the wording of the order and any necessary alterations to Drawing Numbers SP0030-003 and/or SP0030-004.




To facilitate improved loading arrangements for local businesses and improved disabled parking, as part of a public realm improvement scheme in the pedestrian

precinct in High Street (also known as Princess Precinct), Horley.

Supporting documents: