Agenda item


The Committee is asked to monitor progress on the implementation of recommendations from previous meetings and to review its forward work programme.



Ken Gulati, Chairman of the Adults and Health Select Committee


Key points during the discussion:


1.    The Chairman proposed to nominate Members in groups of two to take responsibility for keeping up with the work of an individual Select Committee. One Conservative and one Opposition Group Member per Committee (with one Committee having two Conservatives).


2.    Suggested responsibilities:


a.    Tim Evans, Robert Evans – Children & Education

b.    John O’Reilly, Jonathan Essex – Environment & Infrastructure

c.    Ayesha Azad, Hazel Watson - Corporate Services

d.    Tim Hall, Nick Harrison - Communities

e.    Kay Hammond, David Harmer – Adults & Health


3.    It was noted that the purpose of this was to make sure that the Overview and Budget Scrutiny Committee (OBSC) was informed of the issues within the Select Committee’s remit, its forward plan, the outcomes of the Committee meetings and any other useful information to help the Committee of its overview role.


4.    The Chairman clarified that this new responsibility was an observation role only and encouraged members to attend meetings, read minutes or watch webcasts and feedback to this Committee.


5.    It was further noted that the Select Committee Chairman’s Group had met on 14 March and been notified of the proposal.


6.    In addition to this, the Chairman reported that each Select Committee Chairman has been invited to come to OBSC once a year to share a summary of the scrutiny work undertaken by the Committee to highlight the Committee’s experience and impact.


7.    The Committee welcomed Ken Gulati to the meeting to discuss the Adults and Health Select Committee (AHSC).


8.    The AHSC Chairman informed the Committee of the Transition Task Group that met recently to look at the issues and expectations of disabled children transitioning to adulthood and away from care. It was highlighted how valuable and insightful the meeting was especially as two young adults came to give evidence of their own experiences.


9.     It was noted that the Task Group meeting was poorly attended and the Chairman would be circulating a letter to address his disappoint to members of the group. It was further noted that the Chairman planned to hold the next Transition Task Group meeting before the end of the municipal year.


10.  The Chairman reported that the purpose of the Transition Task Group was to manage expectations of young adults and their families as opposed to reviewing cost saving measures.


11.  The Committee was informed of a further task group which was formed to investigate the recommissioning of sexual health services in Surrey as a high level of public dissatisfaction was reported when the provider had been changed. The Chairman reported that a substantial amount of work had been carried out and as a result an interim report would be presented at its April meeting this would allow officers to complete evidence gathering and produce a full report for the Committee’s meeting in July.


12.  The Chairman raised concerns with the South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb), reporting that although SECAmb were making improvements it was going to be a slow process until special measures were cleared. It was noted that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) were going to review SECAmb’s position in September 2018 and as a result the Chairman advised it would be appropriate to postpone this item on the forward work programme until CQC have made their conclusions known.


Ayesha Azad entered the meeting at 10:23am


13.  It was highlighted that no future arrangement was being sought as an alternative to working with SECAmb and the AHSC Chairman reported that the contract between the Clinical Commissioning Groups and SECAmb was challenging.


14.  The AHSC Chairman highlighted that the remit for the Adults and Health Select Committee was vast and dealing with individual areas in depth was difficult.


15.  The Committee expressed gratitude towards the AHSC Chairman for attending the meeting and he was also commended for his hard work in relation to Adults and Health.


16.  The Committee reviewed all the Select Committee’s forward work programmes in turn.


Overview and Budget Scrutiny Committee (OBSC)


17.   It was highlighted that the Chief Executive would be attending the Committee’s meeting in May to discuss the Council’s future plans and priorities.






Children and Education Select Committee (CESC)


18.   The Committee noted a list of new items on the CESC forward work programme which included the review of the school organisation plan, further education colleges and alternative education provision.


19.  Members queried whether the school organisation plan would detail the closure of schools and the Chairman advised that this will be taken forward for the Committee to investigate.


20.  It was further noted that CESC would also be considering the re-commissioning of supported accommodation for young people in Surrey, edge of care, children’s services complaint and early help as future items.


21.  Members commented on the Early Help Transformation Strategy and proposed that the Committee consider reviewing Cabinet’s decision to allow effective scrutiny to take place ahead of implementation of the Strategy. The Chairman noted this and assured that these suggestions would be put forward to the CESC Chairman to consider.


22.  There was a discussion around the new Director for Children Services and Members were encouraged by current observations in the Director’s ideas and abilities, particularly investing creatively in preventative work.


Communities Select Committee (CSC)


23.  It was noted that the prevent strategy would be reviewed by the CSC in September 2018, with an aim to further support community safety, and strengthen links between the Council and its partners.


24.  Members commented on the Performing Arts Library item stating how well attended and received it was at the CSC meeting on 8 February and noted a further review on this matter was in development. 


Corporate Services Select Committee (CSSC)


25.  Members put forward the review of Orbis and expiring contracts to be considered by the CSSC.


26.  The Chairman advised that the Select Committee Chairman’s Group were given copies of expiring contracts to allow the Chairmen to plan ahead and contemplate whether the renewal of a contract was the best option or to consider a policy change in that area.


27.  It was highlighted that the Joint Venture was going live in May, Members suggested that it would be useful for CSSC to oversee this to allow the Committee to be kept updated on the progress.



Environment and Infrastructure Select Committee (E&ISC)


28.  The Committee noted a new item on the E&ISC forward work programme, the review of strategic transport priorities.


29.  Members were informed that at the last E&ISC meeting there was a discussion around the need to bring a wider presentation on the area of waste to enable effective scrutiny of the Surrey Waste Local Plan to be considered in May 2018.


30.  The Chairman noted members request to scrutinise the Council’s plans in committing to phase out the use of single-use plastic and assured this would be put forward to the E&ISC.



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