Agenda item


This report provides the Committee with a summary of the results from the 2017 staff survey. This is the third staff survey undertaken by Best Companies and includes comparison data to the previous two years of engagement results. 



Declaration of interests:






David Hodge CBE, Leader of the Council

Tim Oliver, Cabinet Member for Business Services and Property

Ken Akers, Head of HR & OD

Lavern Dinah, Strategic OPD Manager


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Head of HR & OD introduced the report by highlighting that the staff survey allowed the Council to capture and assess staff views, particularly in challenging circumstances as the Council was experiencing continued change and uncertainty.


2.    Members noted that the staff survey results highlighted enduring and common themes which could be helpful to the Committee to explore the responses of and draw focus on for areas of improvement and review.


3.    The Cabinet Member for Business and Property Services commented on the Cabinet’s reaction to the staff survey particularly in relation to the leadership of the Council informing the Committee that new plans were underway as a result of appointing a new Chief Executive. It was noted seeking to achieve these plans would change the Council’s approach and potentially impact the leadership culturally and strategically.


4.    Members acknowledged areas with low satisfaction particularly in ‘fair deal’ and supported the notion that the Council would improve under a new Chief Executive.


5.    There was a discussion around the degree of comparability and Members were assured that the Council in contrast to previous year’s results and other local authorities maintained its position. It was noted responses were not considerably different to its peers, East Sussex and Brighton & Hove in relation to the Orbis Partnership.


6.    It was noted that the Council had made tough decisions regarding pay and this had influenced responses. The Head of HR & OD explained it would be vital to communicate an effective explanation going forward regarding these decisions in an effort to deliver a positive narrative to staff.


7.    Officers clarified that the survey was not extended to schools however responses did take account of firefighters. Members raised concern with the scores and response rates from the Fire and Rescue Service and were assured by officers that this has been flagged with the respective Director to review going forward.


8.    Officers explained that, to encourage response rates across the board, electronic surveys as well as paper versions of the survey were distributed.


9.    It was noted that the Council’s training development programme had been independently assessed and received positive ratings. Officers assured the Committee that there were no concerns with the quality and flexibility of training however the accessibility of training was being explored to develop this area.


10.  The Leader of the Council highlighted that maintaining morale in any organisation was a difficult task however expressed the view that the Council addressed this area well, making decisions where appropriate.


11.  Officers commended the Corporate Leadership Team for taking an active role in engaging and communicating with staff and the appointment of a new Chief Executive was an opportunity to re-engage with staff to boost morale.


12.  Officers clarified that there was no evaluation of agency workers morale however informed the Committee that agency workers were treated with upmost respect, included in meetings, given access to training and paid similarly and if any issues manifested it would appear in the key performance measures.


The Committee recommends;


a)    That individual Select Committees review the staff survey results and consider how best to utilise the data in their scrutiny work, particularly the Communities Select Committee in relation to the Fire and Rescue Service.


b)   The Corporate Services Select Committee consider the options appraisal for the future staff survey provider.


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