Agenda item

SCMPB Exec and Task Group Update

a)    SCMPB Successes and Surrey Covenant Audit (attached)

b)    Recognise and Remember


              i.        Fire Service Memorial

             ii.        WW1 100 Commemorations

            iii.        RAF 100


c)    Community Integration

d)    Task Force Commanders and Armed Forces Champions Event



SCMPB – Successes 2017/18

Board members were asked to send comments/addition on the successes document to by early April, after which it would be sent to the design team and put on the website. Action: Sarah Goodman


Comments included:

  • Include an annex setting out key achievements and list of Board members
  • Consider how this is shared with all parties, not just up the chain of command.
  • Develop further case studies
  • Share URL when on website for further signposting


Audit of Surrey County Council:

The Chairman thanked Paul Evans very much for his time and effort in producing an excellent and comprehensive audit looking at how Surrey County Council has implemented the aims of the Covenant since 2012.  The recommendations contained within the document will be translated into an action plan. This audit support Surrey’s reaccreditation for Gold Employer Recognition status, which will now be reviewed by the MoD after 5 years (2021). The document will be added to the website. Action: Sarah Goodman


Recognise and Remember Task Group

Paul Evans reported on the successful meeting held on 9 March at Woking Borough Council, where the group said a sad goodbye to Barrie Higham from Surrey History Centre.


Surrey in the Great War and the War Memorial indexing project are both going well and will be completed by the end of the year. Action: Sarah to invite Surrey in the Great War to present at the next Board.


A key role for the group is compiling a calendar of events commemorating 100 years since the end of WW1.  These are being posted on the Armed Forces Calendar ( and are shared with the Lieutenancy.  Action: All – to send known dates and events to


It was reported that the RBL have stopped the Silent Soldier campaign, and in June they will launch a new ‘Thank you’ campaign which will feature a number of different silhouettes. Existing orders for Silent Soldiers will be honoured, but no new orders will be taken. The Board expressed their sadness about the end of the campaign and raised concern about how much has been committed by Surrey to this campaign already.  Action: Paul Evans to feedback the Boards views to the RBL at meeting on 4 April. If it is not resolved the Lord-Lieutenant is happy to get involved.


A national RAF 100 Commemoration book is being produced and will include a two page article on Surrey. It is also anticipated that the commemoration event will help inspire STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) in young people. The SERFCA Armed Forces Briefing on 5 June will have theme of RAF 100.


Community Integration Task Group

Peter Bruinvels gave the update on behalf of Michael Cannon.

Michael Cannon will be attending the next Health and Wellbeing Board presenting an item about the health of the military – Debbie Hustings and Karen Simmonds will be linked in.  On 19 April the Armed Forces Health Group, made up primarily of the Surrey CCGs will meet to discuss taking the covenant forward within the health arena.  A further meeting with Unit Welfare Officers will be scheduled in the summer.


Task Force Commanders (TFC) / Armed Forces Champions (AFC)

A successful workshop was held at the Welsh Guards in November with the majority of AFC’s and TFCs attending.  It consisted of a number of presentations followed by a team bonding exercise. Information shared regarding planned changes to service pensions was particularly welcomed. A further event will be scheduled for November 2018.

Supporting documents: