Agenda item


Officers of Surrey County Council’s parking team have carried out a review of on street parking restrictions within the borough of Surrey Heath and identified changes which would benefit road safety and reduce instances of obstruction and localised congestion. Approval by the Surrey Heath Local Committee is required in order to progress these changes to the stage of ‘formal advertisement’, where the proposed restrictions will be advertised for 28 days and open to comments, support or objections from members of the public.



The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed:


(i) the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Surrey

Heath as described in the report and shown in detail on drawings in

annexes A-E.

(ii) the local committee allocated funding as detailed in paragraph 5.1 of this

report to proceed with the introduction of the parking amendments.

(iii) the intention of the county council to make an order under the relevant

parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and

on street parking restrictions in Surrey Heath as shown on the drawings

in annex A are advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the

orders are made.


(iv) if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance

with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the parking strategy

and implementation team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice

chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor. An

additional member may be invited for comment.


Reason for Decisions:


The above decisions were made so that the waiting restrictions are implemented as detailed in Annexes A-E. They will make a positive impact towards:-

· Road safety

· Access for emergency vehicles

· Access for refuse vehicles

· Easing traffic congestion

· Better regulated parking

· Better enforcement

· Better compliance



Declarations of interest: None


Officers attending: Jack Roberts, Engineer, Parking Strategy & Implementation Team, SCC


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: none


The Parking Engineer introduced the report, stating there had been 140 amendments to consider in this review. All proposed amendments were detailed in the report and the attached annexes. The committee were being asked to agree these amendments for advertisement for implementation later this year.


Key points from the discussion:


Members asked whether there were any amendments, where only the timing of the restriction was being altered and therefore just the signage would be changing. When this happened previously in Surrey Heath it caught many people out. This time around could the signage be improved to more easily notify residents of the change. The Parking Engineer confirmed that the borough council would work to help improve signage to show clearly there was a change in restriction.


A  point was raised over why a disabled bay had been proposed on High Street, Chobham. The Parking Engineer confirmed it had been in consultation with the SCC divisional member who commented that such amendment had been brought to the committee’s attention during the last parking review. The entrance to the Sun Inn had changed and to satisfy safety regulations there needed to be one in Chobham.


It was requested that in the next review the roads surrounding Frimley Park Hospital be looked at as many of the roads are impassable for residents because of such parking.


Members asked when the recommendations would be implemented on the ground, should the recommendations be agreed by the committee and no objections are made or maintained following the advertisement. The Parking Engineer confirmed that due to the postponement of the meeting from March to April, it was likely that the advertisement would take place in Summer 2018 with the implementation in Autumn/Winter 2018.




The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed:


i)          the proposed amendments to on-street parking restrictions in Surrey Heath as described in the report and shown in detail on drawings in annexes A-E.

ii)         the local committee allocated funding as detailed in paragraph 5.1 of this report to proceed with the introduction of the parking amendments.

iii)        the intention of the county council to make an order under the relevant parts of the road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose the waiting and on street parking restrictions in Surrey Heath as shown on the drawings in annex A are advertised and that if no objections are maintained, the orders are made.


iv)        if there are unresolved objections, they will be dealt with in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation by the parking strategy and implementation team manager, in consultation with the chairman/vice chairman of this committee and the appropriate county councillor. An additional member may be invited for comment.


Reason for decisions:


The above decisions were made so that the waiting restrictions are implemented as detailed in Annexes A-E. They will make a positive impact towards:

· Road safety

· Access for emergency vehicles

· Access for refuse vehicles

· Easing traffic congestion

· Better regulated parking

· Better enforcement

· Better compliance


Supporting documents: