This report asks the Cabinet to award a contract for the construction and operation of a dementia specialist residential and nursing care home in North West Surrey at the site of the former Older Person’s in house home, Brockhurst, The contract is for a period of 25 years.
NB There is a Part 2 annex at item 16.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Lifelong Learning Select Committee]
1. The conclusion of the procurement process for the award of a care services contract to Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd was approved and the agreement of the final care services contract terms and conditions delegated to the Cabinet Member for Adults and the Executive Director for Adult Social Care.
2. The progression of the leasehold disposal of the former older peoples in house care home at Brockhurst was approved and:
a) authority to sign off that the Council had met its requirements under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972: Disposal of land by principal councils was delegated to the Lead Cabinet Member for Place and the Chief Property Officer; and
b) the agreement of the final terms and risk exposure to the Council of the Brockhurst agreement for lease and ground lease was delegated to the Lead Cabinet Member for Place and the Chief Property Officer.
Reason for Decisions:
The Council’s vision was to promote independence, choice and control in all of its practice and to achieve this in a financially challenging climate, where the demographic of need is inherently changing.
With changing demographics, increasing financial challenges, and a joint health and social care strategy to support people to live independently in their homes for as long as possible, the Council needed to commission the right accommodation options to meet our resident’s health and wellbeing needs. This included those with complex needs that can only be catered for in a specialist residential care or nursing care setting. Key to generating these options, was shared working between the Council, partners and the private sector to develop and shape the market for accommodation with care and support.
There was an opportunity to develop dementia and nursing residential care provision on the Brockhurst site. The Council was confident of the need for such provision and analysis of the site confirms its suitability, based on the site’s size, accessibility, existing planning class use and the location.
A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of Public Contract Regulations and Procurement Standing Orders had been completed, and the recommendations provided best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adults and Lifelong Learning Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Adults presented a report which set out the Cabinet’s approved direction of travel for Surrey’s Accommodation with Care and Support. This set out a clear vision to reshape adult social care’s accommodation options for older people, people with learning disabilities and mental health. The vision outlined the need to develop accommodation choices that met residents’ health and wellbeing needs and supported them to live as independently as possible as part of their local community.
He explained that the Council had a responsibility to meet the needs of people eligible for care, to support both them and their carers, and to fund care for those people with needs who met the financial eligibility criteria. This could be achieved by working with providers to develop a range of fit for purpose and financially self-sustaining accommodation that was accessible to those eligible for social care funding.
The Council was striving to provide good quality and appropriate services, whilst under significant strain due to increasing demands and long and sustained financial challenges. The Council’s approach to managing the market needed to take account all of these factors. There was a trend that showed a declining demand for ‘traditional’ residential care, with residential services being predominately for people living with dementia and/or other complex needs which couldn’t be met within an individual’s home. This was unsurprising given the increasing prevalence of disability related to dementia. Research published by Lancet Public Health medical journal, says cases of dementia related disability will rise by 40% among people aged 65 to 84. Similarly in Surrey, by 2025 there will be 24% more people living with dementia than in 2016.
Surrey was facing a shortfall in specialist residential and nursing provision that could be provided for people who had complex and challenging needs for whom independent living schemes such as extra care may not be able to offer the right environment to meet their needs. As part of the accommodation with care and support programme, officers have been working on options to meet this shortfall, including the potential to use council-owned land to stimulate the market.
Cabinet were recommended to award a contract for the construction and operation of a dementia specialist residential and nursing care home in North West Surrey at the site of the former Older Person’s in house home, Brockhurst. The contract was for a initial period of 25 years.
Mr Jonathan Essex spoke to this item and asked several detailed questions for which a written response would be sent to him. The Leader requested prior sight of such detailed questions before the meeting in future, in order to be able to give the correct response at meetings.
1. The conclusion of the procurement process for the award of a care services contract to Care UK Community Partnerships Ltd was approved and the agreement of the final care services contract terms and conditions delegated to the Cabinet Member for Adults and the Executive Director for Adult Social Care.
2. The progression of the leasehold disposal of the former older peoples in house care home at Brockhurst was approved and:
a) authority to sign off that the Council had met its requirements under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972: Disposal of land by principal councils was delegated to the Lead Cabinet Member for Place and the Chief Property Officer; and
b) the agreement of the final terms and risk exposure to the Council of the Brockhurst agreement for lease and ground lease was delegated to the Lead Cabinet Member for Place and the Chief Property Officer.
Reason for Decisions:
The Council’s vision was to promote independence, choice and control in all of its practice and to achieve this in a financially challenging climate, where the demographic of need is inherently changing.
With changing demographics, increasing financial challenges, and a joint health and social care strategy to support people to live independently in their homes for as long as possible, the Council needed to commission the right accommodation options to meet our resident’s health and wellbeing needs. This included those with complex needs that can only be catered for in a specialist residential care or nursing care setting. Key to generating these options, was shared working between the Council, partners and the private sector to develop and shape the market for accommodation with care and support.
There was an opportunity to develop dementia and nursing residential care provision on the Brockhurst site. The Council was confident of the need for such provision and analysis of the site confirms its suitability, based on the site’s size, accessibility, existing planning class use and the location.
A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of Public Contract Regulations and Procurement Standing Orders had been completed, and the recommendations provided best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.
Supporting documents: