Surrey County Council is playing an important role in the three Sustainability and
Transformation Partnerships across Surrey. On 31 October 2017 the Cabinet considered a report regarding the Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in Surrey with a focus on the work that had begun to implement the devolution agreement for Surrey Heartlands.
This report provides a further update on the progress that has been made in implementing the Surrey Heartlands devolution agreement and asks the Cabinet to endorse the next steps, including the pooling of budgets with NHS partners in an agreement under s75 of the National Health Service Act 2006 (s75 agreement) as part of a more joined up and integrated health and social care system.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Health Integration & Commissioning Select Committee]
· The Surrey Heartlands proportion of the Council’s budget for adult social care and public health
· The Surrey Heartlands proportion of the Council’s budgets relating to children’s community health services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
Reason for decisions:
Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships played a pivotal role in shaping the future health and care priorities and landscape. In the eight months since the last Surrey Heartlands update to the Cabinet, significant progress has been made in the development of the devolution arrangements for Surrey Heartlands.
Devolution and the integration of health and social care were key mechanisms for enabling the Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership to achieve its aims and ambitions, and were aligned to the draft vision for Surrey in 2030 endorsed by the County Council at its meeting on 22 May 2018.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Health Integration & Commissioning Select Committee]
The Cabinet Lead Member for People presented this report that described how the Council was playing an important role in the three Sustainability and
Transformation Partnerships (STPs) across Surrey. It also provided a further update on the progress that had been made in implementing the Surrey Heartlands (SH) devolution agreement and asked the Cabinet to endorse the next steps, including the pooling of budgets with NHS partners in an agreement under s75 of the National Health Service Act 2006 (section 75 agreement) as part of a more joined up and integrated health and social care system.
He stated that the Secretary of State was to consider devolving responsibility and resources in order that there could be greater freedom on how services were delivered. He also pointed out that the finer detail of the S75 agreements would be reported at a future meeting.
Mr Jonathan Essex, Member for Redhill East sought assurances and an update for the other STPs that were not part of Surrey Heartlands. The Leader and Cabinet Members gave brief updates on the position in relation to the STPs and how they were progressing. The Leader also reported that he and the Chief Executive met with Jeremy Hunt MP, before he changed roles, who was enthusiastic about Surrey Heartlands becoming a joint commissioning authority and he had been asked to bring back a plan to the new Health Secretary.
· The Surrey Heartlands proportion of the Council’s budget for adult social care and public health
· The Surrey Heartlands proportion of the Council’s budgets relating to children’s community health services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
Reason for decisions:
Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships played a pivotal role in shaping the future health and care priorities and landscape. In the eight months since the last Surrey Heartlands update to the Cabinet, significant progress has been made in the development of the devolution arrangements for Surrey Heartlands.
Devolution and the integration of health and social care were key mechanisms for enabling the Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership to achieve its aims and ambitions, and were aligned to the draft vision for Surrey in 2030 endorsed by the County Council at its meeting on 22 May 2018.
Supporting documents: