Agenda item

Transformation Full Business Cases

Purpose of the Report: To allow for formal scrutiny of the business cases that support the Council’s Transformation Programme.


Confidential:Not for publication under paragraph 3.


Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular persons (including the authority holding that information).







Denise Turner-Stewart, Cabinet Member for Community Services

David Hodge, Leader of the Council

John Furey, Deputy Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Economic Prosperity

Michael Coughlin, Executive Director for Customers, Digital and Transformation


Key points raised during the discussion:


  1. The Committee formally scrutinised Part 2 business cases that support the Council’s transformation programme. Members were, in general, supportive of each of the business cases considered. The Committee discussed in detail the investment needed and financial benefits arising from each business case. There was scrutiny around the risks associated with each business case and measures in place to mitigate these.


Denise Turner-Stewart left the meeting at 11.00am


  1. There was a recognition by Members that a significant amount of work was needed to increase the robustness of the Council’s financial resilience and planning. There was also a recognition that for a programme of transformation to be successful a cultural shift to new ways of working was crucial.   




The Committee:


a)     Supported the drive to transform the Council’s services and, importantly, its culture to become sustainable,

b)     Noted the interdependencies between the transformation projects and the importance of the enabling projects in delivering savings, for example digital and performance management in other service directorates,

c)     Emphasised the risks to the organisation of not implementing the business cases in terms of budget deficits and the outcomes for service users and residents,

d)     Highlights the particular risk of double counting the financial benefits to the Council across the various business cases,

e)     Recommended that Select Committees review the planning and implementation of the business cases relevant to their remits on the basis of value and risk following the Council decision in November 2018,

f)       Recommended that there are clear measures of success and milestones for Select Committees to test the outcomes of each transformation project.


[E-157-18] Exempt minute

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