Agenda item


The Dorking Transport Package Phase 1 is a programme of cycling, walking and public transport improvements funded by the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (C2C LEP). It is the first phase of a wider three phase programme of enhancements planned for Dorking.


This report seeks to respond to the issues raised in a complaint to C2C LEP made by the Dorking Town Forum with respect to this scheme.



Declarations of interest: None


Officers present:

Zena Curry, Area Highways Manager (AHM)

Lyndon Mendes, Transport Policy Team Manager (TPTM)


Also present:      

Mr Colin Kemp, Cabinet Lead Member for Place (CLMP)


Public questions, petitions or statements:

District Councillor M Cooksey and Mr J Meudell representing Dorking Town Forum (as part of the discussion below).



Member discussion highlights:


1.    Representing the Dorking Town Forum (DTF) Margaret Cooksey highlighted the group’s concerns over value for money, transparency, the safety and vitality of the town centre. She welcomed the inclusion of the third recommendation.

2.    DTF had submitted FOIs to obtain information and believed more issues had arisen since the investigation was carried out at the end of last year.

3.    The CLMP explained that major schemes funded by the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) often took years to complete and that not all works would have been part of the original business case.

4.    The report in response to the complaint had been carried out by an independent body.

5.    Officers had worked hard to secure funding and to deliver what was possible.

6.    The local divisional member for Dorking Hills supported the recommendations. The complaint response had been thorough and reflected some of the changes that she had proposed following feedback from local residents.

7.    There were however still a number of outstanding issues that needed to be addressed including disabled access to the station, the hatchings on Lincoln Road, the need for an acoustic barrier and a designated crossing route for cyclists.

8.    Members also agreed that signage was confusing and that the new ticket machines were not easy for the public to use.

9.    Of particular concern was the projected increase in expenditure on the design element of the project.

10.  The Chairman reminded members that much of the scheme was on railway land which meant the coordination of works was much more complex.

11.  The divisional member for Dorking and the Holmwoods was disappointed that there would be nothing else delivered in addition to the works already set out in the report and asked that the signage be looked at as a priority.

12.   He supported the involvement of the DTF and stressed that more transparency and better communication was needed in the event that stages 2 and 3 of the project were taken forward.

13.  Representing DTF Mr Meudell made the following points:

a.    There had been a conflict of interests in that the investigative body Local Partnerships (LP) was part owned by the Local Government Association.

b.    The original programme of works had been agreed by the local committee (Mole Valley) but changes to the scheme had not be communicated to it or to Coast to Capital.

c.    Processes had not been duly followed

d.    As a result of the works pedestrians and cyclists were less safe.

14.  The Chairman highlighted that the recommendations included the establishment of a task group as being a step in the right direction but that progress was largely reliant on being able to successfully engage with representatives of the relevant rail companies.





The Local Committee (Mole Valley) agreed to:

  1. Support the findings of the complaint investigation completed by Local Partnerships on behalf of the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership.


  1. Support the recommended improvement actions, with progress on their implementation to be monitored by the Members Task Group appointed to oversee the Dorking Transport Package.


  1. Propose that the Members Task Group appointed to oversee the Dorking Transport Package meet with representatives of the Dorking Town Forum, to see what, if any, further lessons can be learned.




Supporting documents: