Agenda item


Oxted Chalkpit (“the Chalkpit”) is an operational chalkpit where there has been chalk extraction for a considerable number of years. The Chalkpit was originally granted planning permission in 1947 with the most recent planning permission being granted in 1995 (TA93/0765). There is no condition imposed on this planning permission restricting the number of lorry movements to/ from the Chalkpit.


Under the requirements of the Environment Act 1995, conditions imposed on planning permissions are required to be reviewed every 15 years. The applicant for the Chalkpit, Southern Gravel, have submitted a planning application (TA12/902) seeking to review the conditions imposed on planning permission TA95/0765.


(Report attached)


The Local Committee (Tandridge):


(i)            NOTED  the contents of the report.


(ii)           AGREED to add a feasibility study to the Integrated Transport Schemes (ITS) list for consideration for future funding.  The feasibility study would investigate the possibility of installing a physical width restriction on Chalkpit Lane between the chalkpit entrance and The Ridge.


As the Chairman is a member of the SCC Planning and Regulatory Committee, which is due to consider the issues around the Chalkpit in the near future, she handed over to the Vice- Chairman and left the room for the duration of this item.



Declarations of Interest: None


Officer attending: Caroline Smith, Planning Development Manager


Petition: Public Questions, Statements: None


The Vice-Chairman welcomed Woldingham Parish Council to the meeting, and thanked them for attending for this item.  The Vice-Chairman reminded Members that as this is a current planning application they must be mindful of the questions asked of the Officer as she will not be able to express an opinion only be able to respond to questions of fact. The Local Committee has no status in respect of the determination of the application, and consideration of the merits or otherwise are solely a matter for the Planning and Regulatory Committee.


The Officer introduced the report, stating that the application for a ROMP is to modernise the planning conditions attached to the permission for the quarry and therefore cannot be refused. The quarry operators have permission to operate there. 

There has been delay hearing the item at the Planning and Regulatory Committee as further evidence is sought from the applicant as to the impact of their operation.  Whilst the time taken to agree this is regrettable, SCC need to ensure that the decision made does not affect the asset value of the site nor future economic viability.


Members Discussion- Key Points


The following points were raised:


·         Mr Cameron McIntosh, Divisional Member expressed that he does appreciate the frustrations of the local residents but also understands the complex constraints that the county council are bound by, as they have to work within the set guidelines set by law.  There are currently no conditions in place to limit the number of vehicle movements, following the Environment Agency’s decision to increase the amount of permitted infilling, and he is working hard to ensure that there is something in place to limit the local impact on residents.

·         Whether the Environment Agency consult with SCC before agreeing to double the tonnage. The Officer confirmed that they did not, however nor were they obliged to.

·         Concerns were raised that the counters were not in place to monitor and deal with what had been imposed on local residents and Surrey. 

·         Members were frustrated that the Environment Agency had determined this without consultation, and urged the MP to do more to both encourage the EA to reconsider this decision, and to take forward the wider issues around ROMP legislation in parliament

·         In relation to recommendation ii, members asked  how the width restrictor would improve the matter. The Officer advised that at the moment there is no physical width restrictor, only a sign which local residents state is being ignored as lorries travel down from The Ridge. Should a restrictor be put in place SCC would need to ensure it is a restriction that can be objectively defended at an enquiry.  Whilst there is no evidence to suggest they are lorries travelling to the quarry, if they are indeed travelling to the quarry by that route, they are in breach of the conditions of the Traffic Regulation Order.

·         The Committee were advised by the Chairman of Woldingham Residents Association that the signs at the top of Chalkpit Lane advising of a width restriction had been turned around.  The Area Highways Manager advised that she would send someone to the site and rectify.





The Local Committee (Tandridge):


(i)            NOTED  the contents of the report.


(ii)           AGREED to add a feasibility study to the Integrated Transport Schemes (ITS) list for consideration for future funding.  The feasibility study would investigate the possibility of installing a physical width restriction on Chalkpit Lane between the chalkpit entrance and The Ridge.




Supporting documents: