· SCMPB Annual Report and Action Plan (attached)
· Surrey Armed Forces Covenant Conference – 6 February 2019
· Recognise and Remember Task Group
· Community Integration
o Unit Welfare Officers Meeting
· Surrey County Council
o New HR Armed Forces Policy
o Updated MPs and Councillors Information (attached)
o Reserves Day 2018
· Employer Recognition Scheme Update for Surrey (attached)
The SCMPB annual report 2017-18 has been well received.
The SCMPB Action Plan had been updated to include the actions identified within the recent audit carried out by Paul Evans. It is important to measure the effect / impact of the work being done and the annual report was considered key to this.
A discussion was held about the target regarding business breakfasts and the military. It was noted that Surrey Heath BC is holding Business Expo on 13 November with a speaker from RMA Sandhurst. 11 Brigade host Army Engagement Events, which is the start of the journey. Businesses that attend these, could be invited to future business breakfasts. SERFCA also have good links to employers.
Action – It was agreed that it would be useful for Surrey Heath, Surrey Chambers and SERFCA to get together and discuss a way forward, linking into the wider group of economic development officers across Surrey. It was suggested that Karen Whelan may be interested in leading on this area.
Early thoughts on the 2019 Surrey Armed Forces Covenant Conference shared with board, which included:
· Covenant could be re-signed by SCC
· Focus on Service Children
· Build on link with business – would need to work out how to target companies and get them engaged – what would be in it for them?
· If a breakfast briefing was held for business – the venue, speaker, content and breakfast are all key elements to success
· Surrey Police would like to be involved
Action: Officers to send ‘Save the date’ and progress the agenda and arrangements.
Recognise and Remember Task Group:
Paul Evans updated the Board on the very good meeting held in September. Armed Forces Champions attended, including four new members. The Task Group is keen to continue past WW100, meeting three times a year with the following key aims:
Concerns raised by the Task Group include the change in the Covenant Grant process and the County no longer being directly involved in the process, and the future attendance of the military at civic events.
Praise was given to Guildford Borough Council and their new War Memorial.
Community Integration Task Group
Michael Cannon updated the Board on the work of the Community Integration Task Group, which covers housing, education, employment and health and wellbeing. The group meets twice a year with Unit Welfare Officers to better understand the issues being faced by the military community, and how we can further support them.
· Education – key issue is attainment reported on earlier in the agenda.
· Housing – Local Connection regarding military is well understood. Some issues with spouses following marriage breakdown which is considered on a case by case basis.
· Employment – linking to Major Kennedy-Smith regarding transition. Led a workshop at 2018 conference on finance. It was agreed to look at whether the finance module given to soldiers in the transition brief could be opened up to families in the evening.
· Health and wellbeing – the Welfare Officers have agreed to help promote the work supporting Military Carers through Carol Owttrim. In addition there is a separate Armed Forces Health Group which looks at implementing the Covenant through the CCGs and Trusts in Surrey and considers carers, mental health support, GP registrations etc.
The Chairman offered congratulations to and thanks for the work of both groups.
HR Policy
A new HR Armed Forces policy for Surrey County Council is being developed. When agreed it will be taken through Surrey Council HR group to share with the district and borough councils.
MPs and Councillor’s Update
The updated document was shared with the board.
Action – Pat Cannon to share with all district and borough councils. Sarah Goodman to share with Police Contact Centre (who ask whether people have served).
Reserves Day
Surrey County Council held a very successful day held June, which brought colleagues who had a link to the armed forces together to discuss issues, how they could be further supported and explored how they could help their skills in an emergency. This group expressed a wish to come together once or twice a year.
Employer Recognition Scheme
Thanks were extended to Patrick Crowley and the Lord-Lieutenant for a wonderful awards evening held recently.
Col Crowley explained that the Employer Recognition Scheme provides an opportunity for businesses to have a relationship with defence. Within Surrey the Royal Surrey County Hospital and SGN have joined Surrey County Council as gold award holders.
SERFCA are looking at best way to develop relationships further, and meet 2-3 times a year with silver and gold businesses to help with this.
The SERFCA County Committee will be held on 29 November in Farnham – all Armed Forces Champions will be invited.
4PWRR moving to Redhill on 2 November and the Danish ambassador will attend the opening. 2PWRR will moving to Aldershot next year.
Supporting documents: