Agenda item

Review of the PAMS system

The purpose of this report is to introduce the Property Asset Management System implementation project and update the Committee on progress made in the delivery of a new Property Asset Management System.


Declarations of interest:




Nigel Jones, Performance Manager

John Stebbings, Chief Property Officer


Key points raised during the discussion:

1.    The Performance Manager introduced the report and explained that the Property Asset Management System (PAMS), was a joint procurement exercise between Surrey County Council (SCC) and Hampshire County Council (HCC).  PAMS would enable the Council to have all its information relating to property assets in one system, including information at the point of purchase right through to disposal. 

2.    The first phase of the PAMS launch was scheduled for April 2013 and would include all maintenance projects.  Rental accounting information was expected to be live in the system by the end of the first quarter of the 2013/14 financial year.  There would then be an incremental implementation of the rest of the features of PAMS, through to November 2013. 

3.    Members asked whether officers could guarantee that the system would include information on all buildings owned by the Council.  The Chief Property Officer explained that PAMS would ensure a clearer and more transparent record.

4.    The Committee asked what the overall cost of procuring the system would be and when the implementation was likely to be complete.  The Performance Manager advised that it was aimed for the system to be fully functional by November 2013.  It was noted that costs would be shared with HCC.  The cost of implementation for SCC was £52,025 and thereafter a licence fee of £7,500 would be payable per annum. 

5.    The Chief Property Officer explained that once the system was up and running it would continue to be developed so that South East Seven authorities could invest in it. 

6.    Members noted that PAMS had been purchased through the ‘Invest to Save’ budget and queried what the actual savings had been.  The Performance Manager explained a number of savings had been factored in, including looking at how money could be saved by having better information about properties and analysing assets.  Further benefits of PAMS included increased levels of customer service and better transparency. 

7.    The Committee asked for assurance that the company providing the software was resilient in the current economic climate.  The Performance Manager advised that the procurement process had included checks on the company.  In addition, SCC would still have access to the system, even in the event of the provider no longer being active. 

8.    The Performance Manager explained that the system would require very little customisation.  He went on to advise that expressions of interest had been received from 3 other local authorities about using PAMS.

9.    The Chief Property Officer reported that his department had recently been through a restructure and around 15 roles were still being actively recruited too.  However, he reassured the Committee that there was adequate cover available to keep the service running. 

10.  It was noted that the system would be hosted on an external server, and Members asked what assurance there was that data would be secure.  The Performance Manager explained that he had been working closely with SCC and HCC’s IMT departments to ensure that the system would be secure.  Once implemented, the security of the system would continue to be reviewed.

11.  Members asked whether consideration had been given to hosting the software at the Council’s Data Centre.  The Performance Manager explained that this had been considered, although at the time of procurement the SCC Data Centre was not live.  HCC had also considered hosting the system, but had concluded that the work involved would significantly delay the project.  However, moving the system across to a Council server was an option for the future.


Actions/further information to be provided:




The Committee:

a)    Noted the progress made against the implementation plan so far and recognised the achievements to date.

b)    Agreed to receive further updates on progress against planned activities at future Committee meetings, as required.


Committee next steps:

The Committee to receive a further update and demonstration of the system once it is implemented. (Recommendations tracker ref: A3/13 )

Supporting documents: