Agenda item


To inform the Committee of the items in the next Public Safety Plan Action Plan, covering the period 2013-16.


(Report attached)


The Group Manager (East Area) presented the report.


During discussion by the Committee, the following key points were raised:


·         Mrs Kay Hammond, speaking in her capacity as Cabinet Member for Community Safety, informed the Committee that the consultation on the relocation of fire stations in Reigate and Banstead and Epsom and Ewell had been extended. She noted that the proposals had generally been well-received in Reigate and Banstead.

·         Members wished to know why the consultation had been extended. The Cabinet Member reported that Epsom and Ewell Borough Council did not feel that sufficient engagement had taken place and had requested a public meeting, which took place on 14 February. Furthermore, trade unions had noted that the consultation period was under 12 weeks. The decision had been taken to extend the consultation to 12 weeks with implementation due after 1 April. An arrangement had been reached with West Sussex County Council to locate a Surrey fire engine at Horley Fire Station.

·         Members wished to know whether Surrey Fire and Rescue Service has up to date intelligence on all premises in the borough, in light of the incident in Atherstone on Stour in Warwickshire. The Group Manager explained that all crews were able to access the most up to date mobile information on premises and can access information from the web and database. They can also access information from other authorities’ databases. SFRS works with all local authorities in the planning process and information is constantly being updated.

·         Concerns were raised that parts of the Banstead East division were not responded to within the standard times, particularly in Chipstead. Members wished to know where the new fire station in the north of the borough was likely to be. The Group Manager responded that response standards have been looked at, with officers receiving reports on response times. Every call is investigated to ascertain the reasons for not meeting the standard response time; however, some places will not be reached by the standard due to distance. The Cabinet Member added that this message had been heard and was forming part of the consultation. A suitable site in Burgh Heath would enhance the response time to areas such as Chipstead and cross border resources would always be utilised.

·         Concerns were raised that moving a fire engine to Horley from Reigate would have an impact on Banstead. The Group Manager stated that this would not have an impact on Banstead, and the changes would improve response times across the board. However, it was noted that there were some areas of the county that would not be reached within standard response times due to their location.

·         Members noted that the London Fire Brigade was being restructured, and wished to know if this would impact on areas close to the border. The Group Manager reported that mutual assistance agreements were in place with neighbouring areas. He noted that 80% of the London Fire Brigade’s cuts affected Central London, and arrangements were in place for Purley to support the Banstead area following its refurbishment. The Cabinet Member added that the relationship with the London Fire Brigade had greatly improved and there was a constant dialogue which did not previously exist.

·         Concerns were raised regarding the potential time it would take to build two new fire stations and whether capital budget was available. The Group Manager confirmed that the new fire stations were in the capital budget. The Cabinet Member informed the Committee that the service was considering new ways of providing fire stations, such as using an existing warehouse in Salfords. The Group Manager added that crews were already being prepared for the move to Horley, and subsequently Salfords, and that consultation with staff in Epsom was taking place. SFRS was working with colleagues in Property to find a suitable location Burgh Heath. With regards to timescales, it was hoped that this would be in place by March 2014.

·         The Chairman requested an update at the September 2013 meeting of the Local Committee.


The Committee NOTED the report for information.


[Cllrs Mrs Bramhall, Mrs Renton and Walsh left at 3.00pm]

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