Agenda item

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) Performance and Transformation Update

Purpose of the Report: To provide the committee with details of the transformation programme being undertaken within the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service to ensure that the service is aligned with good practice for a modern Fire and Rescue Service.




Declarations of interest:




Steve Owen-Hughes, Director of Community Protection and Emergencies

Jason Russell, Executive Director for Highways, Transport and Environment

Denise Turner-Stewart, Cabinet Member for Community Services


Key points raised during the discussion:

  1. The Director of Community Protection and Emergencies presented the Committee with a presentation which detailed proposals for service wide transformation of the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS). A detailed presentation is attached as Annex 1 to the minutes. The Committee were informed that the publication of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) inspection report on the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service had been delayed to 14 December 2018.


Councillor Heath left the meeting at 12.30


  1. The Chairman raised concerns around plans to consult the public on a new Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) during the purdah period in 2019. To ensure the service improves and savings are achieved, the Executive Director explained that transformation work would need to take place as a matter of urgency. It was agreed that details and timelines for the public consultation would be shared with the Committee once finalised. 
  2. There was a short discussion around possible income generating opportunities for the SFRS and activities that could be charged for. The Director of Community Protection and Emergencies explained that one of the key responsibilities of Fire and Rescue Authorities is to protect life and it was therefore difficult to charge for activities when risk of life was paramount.  
  3. Although there had been a reduction in the number of fires over the last ten years, the Director of Community Protection and Emergencies explained that this number was now increasing.
  4. With regards to Initial Response Vehicles (IRVs), it was explained by officers that these vehicles were widely used all over Europe. Surrey County Council had been using these on a trial basis but this model of service delivery was not supported by the Fire Brigades Union (FBU). Although the concept was still valid, IRVs would not be utilised by Surrey going forward. The Executive Director further added that £6m savings enlisted for the service had been predicated on the introduction of IRVs. 
  5. The Cabinet Member recognised that a number of changes were required to improve SFRS and these were supported by the Cabinet. There would be investment made to the service to ensure improvements could take place. The Cabinet Member reinforced the importance of scrutiny during the period of transformation.
  6. It was explained that the Fordbridge fire station in Ashford would be opening in January 2019 and both Staines and Sunbury fire stations would be vacated by this date. 
  7. The Chairman proposed that a Member Reference Group is convened to support the SFRS transformation programme.
  8. A Member of the Committee stated that the Summary Full Business Case included within the agenda item was very high level and a simpler version should be made available for public consumption. The Director of Community Protection and Emergencies confirmed that a copy of the Full Business Case had been shared with the Home Office. It was further added that feedback from HMICFRS had informed content within the Full Business Case.


Mike Bennison left the meeting at 13:59


  1. It was confirmed that officers were currently putting together a communications and media strategy to inform staff and residents on the results of the HMICFRS inspection report.



  1. That a Member Reference Group is convened to support the SFRS transformation programme.
  2. That a copy of the HMICFRS inspection report on SFRS is shared with the Committee once published.


Supporting documents: