Agenda item

MINERALS/WASTE SP18/00308/SCC- Shepperton Quarry, Littleton Lane, Shepperton, Surrey, TW17 0NF

Application for the use of land as a recycling facility for construction and demolition waste using crushing and screening plant to produce recycled soils and aggregates, stockpiling of waste and recycled products, importation of waste material for recycling and retention of screen bunding, two storey site office and two storey weighbridge office for a temporary period until 30 September 2019 (retrospective).





David Maxwell, Senior Planning Policy Officer
Caroline Smith,
Planning Development Manager
Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Lawyer


Ken Snaith, made representation in objection to the application. The following key points were made:

·        Welcomed recommendation to refuse the application and explained that new imports of waste continue to be imported without planning permission.

·        It was suggested that the site was in the Green Belt and would not be appropriate to be used in the manner proposed by the applicant.

·        There are no special circumstances for this application and would set a dangerous precedent for applications being made going forward.  


David Furst, made representation in objection to the application. The following key points were made:

·        He noted that the previous ban on importation of new materials had been ignored and that the site was not fit for the purpose of importing new materials.

·        No enforcement action has been taken by Surrey which shows a disrespectfulness to council procedures.

·        Requested that a stop notice is put in place immediately.


Cllr Richard Walsh, as local Member, made representation to the committee as follows:


  • He supported the concerns of residents and that he also supported the proposed refusal of the application.

·        He added that road traffic would increase significantly if this application was successful. Also supported calls for a stop notice to be issued.


Key points raised in the discussion:


  1. Officers explained that this was a retrospective application for the use of the north eastern part of the wider Shepperton Quarry site as a temporary aggregates recycling (AR) facility until 21 May 2019 with restoration of the recycling area by 30 September 2019. The site is located in the green belt and has been operating for nearly 20 years. Spelthorne Borough Council have expressed opposition to the application.

  2. Officers noted that the Environment Agency and lead local flood authority have both raised objections to the application due to concerns about the flood risk assessment. The reasons listed for a site office have not been justified by the applicant and the proposals are contrary to green belt policies.


  1. It was explained that a stop notice could only be issued after an enforcement notice had been issued. Good reasons would be required to issue this notice and there is currently no justification. Officers noted that it would be appropriate for the Committee to ask officers to work with the applicant to reduce the current stockpiles, clear and restore the site.


  1. The Committee unanimously supported refusal of the permission.



That application Minerals/Waste SP18/00308/SCC, Shepperton Quarry, Littleton Lane, Shepperton, Surrey, TW17 0NF be REFUSED for the following reasons:


I.                The proposed development is inappropriate and by definition harmful to the Green Belt and does not preserve openness and conflicts with the purposes of protecting Green Belt land including protecting the countryside from encroachment. The applicant has failed to demonstrate the very special circumstances to outweigh the harm by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy CW6 of the Surrey Waste Plan 2008, ‘saved’ Policy GB1 of the Spelthorne Borough Local Plan 2001 and the National Planning Policy Framework 2018.

II.                The applicant has failed to provide the appropriate information to support the application to enable a full assessment of the effects of the proposal and, if necessary, identify appropriate mitigation measures so as to minimise or avoid any material adverse impact with regard to flood risk and enable the County Planning Authority to be satisfied that adequate safeguards can be secured for the protection of the environment as required by development plan policy and therefore the proposal is contrary to the requirements of Policy DC2 (xvi) and DC3 of the Surrey Waste Plan 2008 and Policy LO1 of the Spelthorne Core Strategy and Policies DPD 2009.


Supporting documents: